2023 Ordinances
Number | Subject | Adopted |
3288-23 | Amending Chapter 22, Repealing and substituting Article II to incorporate Florida Building Code. | DEC 12 |
3287-23 | Changing future land use on former Patmos Chapel properties at 821 & 831 W. Swoope Avenue and 800, 810 and 830 W. Webster Avenue to match existing R-3 zoning. | DEC 12 |
3286-23 | Amending FY 23 budget and five-year capital plan. | OCT 25 |
3285-23 | Adopting amendment and extending franchise agreement with Waste Pro of Florida | SEP 27 |
3284-23 | Amending Chapter 58, Land Development Code, addressing discharge of cooling water from buildings adjacent to Center Street | SEP 27 |
3283-23 | Adopting FY 24 budget | SEP 27 |
3282-23 | Adopting millage rate for FY 2024 | SEP 27 |
3281-23 | Amending Chapter 2, Departments, creating and renaming departments and updating services and functions of departments | SEP 13 |
3280-23 | Amending Chapter 58, Land Development Code, revising regulations for parking of boats, trailers, and RVs to include vehicles over 15 feet. | SEP 13 |
3279-23 | Amending Chapter 102, Utilities, relating to sewer impact fee deferral program, utility connection requirements for annexations, reporting and maintenance of private lift stations | AUG 23 |
3278-23 | Authorizing transfer of a portion of Hopper Mini Park (1664Orange Avenue) to FDOT | AUG 23 |
3277-23 | Amending Police Officers’ Pension Plan | AUG 9 |
3276-23 | Amending Firefighters Pension Plan | AUG 9 |
3275-23 | Amending Chapter 102, modifying method of calculation and collection of stormwater management utility fees. | JUL 12 |
3274-23 | Establishing zoning on properties on Kentucky Avenue annexed under Ordinance 3270-23 | JUN 14 |
3273-23 | Establishing Future Land Use on properties on Kentucky Avenue annexed under Ordinance 3270-23 | JUN 14 |
3272-23 | Amending Chapter 58, Land Development Code, repealing dock and boathouse regulations and Chapter 114, Lakes and Waterways, adding and updating regulations on docks and boathouses | JUN 14 |
3271-23 | Partial vacation of Havilah Park Plat within boundaries of property at 900 and 950 N. Orlando Avenue and termination of various easements | MAY 10 |
3270-23 | Amending Chapter 58, Land Development Code, repealing dock and boathouse regulations and Chapter 114, Lakes and Waterways, adding and updating regulations on docks and boathouses | JUN 14 |
3269-23 | Amending Chapter 58, Land Development code, extending expiration of conditional use and variance approvals | APR 26 |
3268-23 | Abandoning a portion of Via Tuscany, east of 2433 Via Tuscany | MAR 22 |
3267-23 | Adding regulations regarding artificial turf installation and maintenance | MAR 8 |
3264-23 | Amending Chapter 58, Land Development Code, modifying non-residential zoning districts to ensure no air traffic hazards are created by structures and other appendages | FEB 8 |
3265-23 | Amending Chapter 58, Land Development Code, adding new permitted use for state licensed establishing rending a personal business service, i.e, barber shops, salons, day spas | FEB 8 |
3263-23 | Amending Chapter 58, Land Development Code, modifying processes for appeal from interpretations and enforcement decisions of building and zoning official | FEB 8 |
3262-23 | Vacating and abandoning a portion of Elvin Avenue right-of-way | FEB 8 |
3261-23 | Updating Section 58-87 and Chapter 114 incorporating regulations of docks and boathouses | MAR 8 |
3260-23 | Adding new Division 3 of Article VI, Chapter 2, providing assessment of third party City consultant costs for review of various development, permits, variances, etc. | JAN 25 |
3259-23 | Amending Ordinance 3182-20 to make permanent the regulations relating to backyard chickens | JAN 25 |
2022 Ordinances
Number | Subject | Adopted |
3258-22 | Amending Chapter 58, Land Development Code, revising single-family residential zoning code | NOV 9 |
3257-22 | Amending FY 22 budget | NOV 9 |
3255-22 | Amending zoning from Public, Quasi-Public (PQP) to Office (O-1) on a portion of the property at 631 N. New York Avenue and from O-1 to PQP on a portion of the property at 507 N. New York Ave. | OCT 12 |
3254-22 | Amending Future Land Use from Institutional to Office on a portion of 631 N. New York Avenue and from Office to Institutional on a portion of 507 N. New York Ave. | OCT 12 |
3253-22 | Adopting budget for FY 23 | OCT 6 |
3252-22 | Adopting millage rates for FY 23 budget | OCT 6 |
3251-22 | Amending Chapter 114, Waterways, modifying maximum length of boats | AUG 10 |
3250-22 | Amending Chapter 58, Comp Plan and Zoning Regulations codifying charter Amendments approved March 8, 2022, regarding supermajority votes | AUG 10 |
3249-22 | Amending Chapter 58, Article III, Zoning Regulations, relating to development Standards regarding setbacks (TABLED to 8/24/2022) | AUG 24 |
3248-22 | Amending zoning from Office (O-1) to Single Family Residential (R-1AA at 2525 Audrey Avenue | JUL 13 |
3247-22 | Amending Future Land Use from Office to Single Family at 2525 Audrey Avenue | JUL 13 |
3246-22 | Authorizing the sale of the approximately .695 acres located west of Swoope Ave. | JUN 22 |
3245-22 | Amending Chapter 2, regarding subsidiary boards, membership, functions, duties and procedures | JUN 8 |
3244-22 | Amending Chapter 74, Police Officer Pension Plan amending benefit amounts and Eligibility, pre-retirement death benefits and optional benefits and distribution | MAY 25 |
3243-22 | Amending Chapter 74, Firefighter Pension Plan amending benefit amounts and Eligibility, pre-retirement death benefits and optional benefits and distribution | MAY 25 |
3242-22 | Amending zoning from Single Family (R-1A) to PURD on rear 5.38 acres of the WP Christian Church Property, 740/760 N. Lakemont Ave. | APR 13 |
3241-22 | Amending Future Land Use from Institutional to Single Family Residential on rear 5.38 acres of the WP Christian Church Property, 740/760 N. Lakemont Ave. | APR 13 |
3240-22 | Authorizing $8M bond issue for acquisition, rehabilitation and equipping of Winter Pines Golf Course | MAR 23 |
3239-22 | Amending Chapter 2, establishing Winter Pines Golf Course Advisory Board | MAR 23 |
3238-22 | Authorizing sale of 654 Selkirk Drive | FEB 23 |
3237-22 | Establishing Low Density Residential (R-2) zoning at 1471 Harmon Avenue | FEB 23 |
3236-22 | Establishing Low Density Residential land use at 1471 Harmon Avenue annexed under Ordinance 3232-22 | FEB 23 |
3235-22 | Vacating and abandoning portions of Northwood Terrace Drive | FEB 9 |
3234-22 | Establishing Office (O-2) zoning at 3303 and 3313 Corrine Drive and Parking Lot (PL) on portion of 1813 Northwood Terrace Drive | FEB 9 |
3233-22 | Establishing office future land use at 3303 and 3313 Corrine Drive and parking lot Future land use on a portion of 1813 Northwood Terrance Drive | FEB 9 |
3232-22 | Annexing 1471 Harmon Avenue | FEB 23 |
3219-21 | Annexing .41 acres at 3303 and 3313 Corrine Drive and adjacent Northwood Terrace Drive east of 3303 Corrine Drive. (Pending) | FEB 9 |
3231-22 | Amending Chapter 114, Lakes and Waterways, modifying shoreline revetment | JAN 27 |
3230-22 | Amending Chapter 62, amending hours for use of domestic power tools and phasing out use of gas-powered leaf blowers | JAN 12 |
3229-22 | Amending Chapter 66, park closing hours | JAN 12 |
2021 Ordinances
Number | Subject | Adopted |
3228-21 | Amending Chapter 58, adopting new zoning district, Section 58-83, Orange Avenue Overlay District (OAO) | DEC 8 |
3227-21 | Amending Chapter 58 and Comprehensive Plan establishing Orange Avenue Overlay District (OAO) | DEC 8 |
3226-21 | Adopting new Chapter 59, Multi-Modal Transportation Impact Fee | DEC 8 |
3225-21 | Amending Chapter 58, adding subsection concerning superseding clauses within zoning text amendments and clarifying provisions for applications for zoning text amendments | NOV 10 |
3224-21 | Amending FY 2021 budget | NOV 10 |
3223-21 | Authorizing lease of property to Winter Park Public Library Association for Operation of a public library | OCT 27 |
3222-21 | Approving amendment to Line of Credit with Truist for Electric | OCT 13 |
3221-21 | Proposing amendments to Charter and referendum March 8, 2022 relating to supermajority votes | OCT 13 |
3220-21 | Amending Chapter 58, adopting new property rights element in the Comp Plan | OCT 13 |
3218-21 | Amending Advisory Boards and Lake Killarney Advisory Board | SEP 22 |
3217-21 | Amending Historic Preservation Code | SEP 22 |
3216-21 | Adopting Budget FY 2022 | SEP 22 |
3215-21 | Adopting Millage Rate | SEP 22 |
3214-21 | Establishing Commercial C-3 zoning at 647/653 Harold Avenue | SEP 8 |
3213-21 | Establishing commercial future land use at 647-653 Harold Avenue | SEP 8 |
3212-21 | Establishing single-family residential future land use at 2141, 2151, 2211, 2221, 2223, 2225, 2227 Loch Lomond Drive | AUG 25 |
3211-21 | Establishing single-family residential future land use 2229, 2225, 2311, 2313 Loch Lomond and 2272 Nairn Drive | AUG 25 |
3210-21 | Creating a Smart City Ad Hoc Committee | JUL 28 |
3208-21 | Annexation of 647/653 Harold Avenue | JUL 28 |
3207-21 | Changing Future Land Use Map from Office to Single-Family Residential on Lots 25-27 on the corner of Loch Lomond and Moray Lane | JUN 9 |
3206-21 | Amending Chapter 2 to sunset Golf Course Advisory Board, add OAO Appearance Review Board and changing membership on EDAB | MAY 12 |
3205-21 | Vacating a portion of utility easement encumbering property at 1021 Bonita Drive | MAR 24 |
3204-21 | Amending Chapter 22 to incorporate technical amendments to the Florida Building Code requiring electric vehicle charging station provisions to WP Building Code | MAR 10 |
3203-21 | Amending Chapter 58, adding regulations for electric vehicle infrastructure in multi-family and non-residential parking lots and parking garages | MAR 10 |
3202-21 | Establishing C-3 zoning on seven lots on Kentucky Avenue annexed 12/9/20, Ord. 3181-20 | MAR 10 |
3201-21 | Establishing Commercial Future Land Use at seven lots on Kentucky Avenue annexed 12/9/20 Ord.3181-20 | MAR 10 |
3200-21 | Amending C-3 zoning text to establish new Conditional Use for Vehicle Sales Showroom and new definitions for Car Sales Business, Vehicle Dealership, Vehicle Sales Business” and conditional user approval for McLaren at 1111 S. Orlando Ave. | MAR 10 |
3199-21 | Vacating portion of utility easement over former Tantum Avenue within golf course | FEB 24 |
3198-21 | Changing zoning from C-3 to C-2 at 301 N. Park Avenue | JAN 27 |
3197-21 | Changing future land use from Commercial to CBD and amend Future Land Use Maximum Height Map to enable a 3-story building height at 301 N. New York Ave. | JAN 27 |
3195-21 | Amending Chapter 98, prohibiting micromobility devices and obstruction of right of ways and sidewalks and regulating use of bicycles and devices | JAN 13 |
3194-21 | Adopting 7th Edition of Florida Building Code with technical amendments | JAN 13 |
2020 Ordinances
Number | Subject | Adopted |
3193-20 | Amending Chapter 58, establishing new conditional use for restaurants, cafes, coffee shops, etc., in O-1 zoning district | DEC 9 |
3192-20 | Establishing Parking Lot zoning at 1800 Karolina Avenue annexed under Ord. 3187-20 | DEC 9 |
3191-20 | Establishing Parking Lot Future Land Use at 1800 Karolina Avenue annexed under Ord. 3187-20 | DEC 9 |
3190-20 | Amending adopted FY 2020 budget | DEC 9 |
3189-20 | Amending Chapter 58, providing for revised regulations relating to amendments to definitions, modifications for signage in certain zoning locations, clarifying types of permitted and prohibited signs. | NOV 11 |
3188-20 | Amending Chapter 58, revising regulations relating to temporary signs | NOV 11 |
3187-20 | Annexation of 1800 Karolina (See 3191-20 and 3192-20 for land use and zoning) | DEC 9 |
3186-20 | Amending Chapter 58, procedures for final plats and lot splits and providing regulations for permitted floor area ratio for splits resulting in less than four lots | OCT 14 |
3185-20 | Amending Chapter 58, concerning lot grading and filling requirements | OCT 14 |
3184-20 | Adopting Budget and CIP for FY 2021 | SEP 23 |
3183-20 | Adopting Millage Rate of 4.0923 for FY 2021 | SEP 23 |
3182-20 | Establishing regulations for the keeping backyard chickens | SEP 9 |
3180-20 | Adopting Orange County fertilizer regulations by reference | AUG 26 |
3179-20 | Declaring contingent moratorium on development and applications that would utilize the Orange Avenue Overlay District policies | AUG 12 |
3178-20 | Amending Chapter 62, providing for regulations of construction and related noise | AUG 12 |
3177-20 | Authorizing conveyance of city-owned property located adjacent to S.R 426 within the right of way of Harper Street | JUN 22 |
3176-20 | Authorizing conveyance of city-owned property located adjacent to north right of way of S.R. 426 east of Harper Street | JUN 22 |
3175-20 | Adopting new process for boards, appointments, membership, etc., as a result of passing of Charter Amendment 7 (see ORD3159-19) | MAY 11 |
3174-20 | Rezoning 1390 Orange Avenue from Office to Parks and Recreation | MAY 11 |
3173-20 | Vacating/abandoning portion of Kindel Avenue right of way | APR 27 |
3172-20 | Rescinding Orange Avenue Overlay District (Ordinances 3167 and 3168-20) | APR 13 |
3171-20 | Amending zoning map to Parking Lot at 472 Broadview Ave. | MAR 9 |
3170-20 | Amending future land use map to Parking Lot at 472 Broadview Ave. | MAR 9 |
3169-20 | Amending zoning map to Institutional (PQP) at 200 E. New England Ave. and 203 E. Lyman Ave. | MAR 9 |
3168-20 | Amending future land use map to Institutional at 200 E. New England Ave. and 203 E. Lyman Ave. | MAR 9 |
3167-20 | Amending Chapter 58, Article III, Zoning to adopt a new zoning district, Overlay Districts | MAR 9 |
3166-20 | Amending Comprehensive Plan establishing Orange Avenue Overlay District | MAR 9 |
3165-20 | Annexation of properties in Ravaudage | FEB 24 |
3164-20 | Amending Chapter 62, Noise and Disturbance Control, related to outdoor live music to apply city-wide | FEB 24 |
3163-20 | Amending Chapter 58 to clarify procedures for applications seeking to table, continue or postpone public hearings have advertised | FEB 10 |
3162-20 | Amending Section 58-376 to allow consideration of designation and preservation of historical homes and/or historic specimen live oak trees for lot size variances. | FEB 10 |
2019 Ordinances
Number | Subject | Adopted |
3161-19 | Amending Section 62-98, providing same noise controls to Hannibal Square Neighborhood District as exist in Central Business District | DEC 9 |
3160-19 | Amending Section 58-84 and Section 10-33 to establish uniform hours of sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages on New England Avenue as currently in place City-wide | DEC 9 |
3159-19 | Proposing amendments to City Charter, providing for referendum 11/2519 to be held March 17, 2020 | OCT 25 |
3158-19 | Authorizing partial assignment of easement near the intersection of 11/25/19 Fairbanks and New York Avenue | OCT 25 |
3157-19 | Amending Budget and five-year CIP for FY 2019 | OCT 25 |
3156-19 | Amending zoning map to Orange County Planned Development at 10/28/19 1501 Lee Road | OCT 28 |
3155-19 | Amending Comprehensive Plan future land use to Orange County Planned 10/28/19 Development at 1501 Lee Road | OCT 28 |
3154-19 | Amending zoning map to C-2 district zoning at 226 Hannibal Square East | OCT 28 |
3153-19 | Amending Comprehensive Plan future land use map to CBD 10/28/19 on the property at 226 Hannibal Square East | OCT 28 |
3152-19 | Authorizing amended lease for storm water retention serving 10/28/19 Israel Simpson Court (See Ordinance 3143-19) | OCT 28 |
3151-19 | Adopting FY20 budget | SEP 23 |
3150-19 | Adopting FY20 millage rate | SEP 23 |
3147-19 | Zoning from Medium Density Multi-Family Residential (R-3) to Office O-2 at 1419 and 1421 Trovillion Avenue | JUL 8 |
3146-19 | Amending comprehensive plan future land use map to change from Medium Density Residential to an Office Future Land Use designation at 1419 and 1421 Trovillion Avenue | JUL 8 |
3145-19 | Easement relocation, 807 Maryland Avenue | JUL 8 |
3144-19 | Refunding Water and Sewer Refunding and Improvement Revenue Bond, Series 2010 | JUL 8 |
3143-19 | Authorizing lease of eastern 33 feet of city-owned stormwater retention area serving Israel Simpson Court | MAY 13 |
3142-19 | Changing zoning from Single Family Residential (R-1A) to Parking Lot (PL) on eastern 33 feet of stormwater retention area serving Israel Simpson Court (Z Properties) | MAY 13 |
3141-19 | Amending comprehensive plan future land use map to change from Single Family Residential to a Parking Lot future land use designation on Eastern 33 feet of the stormwater retention area serving Israel Simpson Court (Z Properties) | MAY 13 |
3140-19 | Cell tower lease agreement amendment at Cady Way | FEB 25 |
3139-19 | Establishing Parks and Recreation (PR) zoning on 8.85 acres of annexed property with tax ID 29-21-30-0000-00-002 to the north of Howell Branch Road | JAN 28 |
3138-19 | Establishing Open Space and Recreation with a Conservation Overlay Future Land Use on 8.85 acres of annexed property with tax ID 29-21-30-0000-00-002 to the north of Howell Branch Road | JAN 28 |
3137-19 | Vacating distribution easement at 1700 Monroe Avenue | JAN 28 |
3136-19 | Approving donation and conveyance to City of Maitland land north of Howell Branch Road – 3.38 +/- acres | JAN 14 |
3135-19 | Amending Police pension | JAN 14 |
3134-19 | Amending Fire pension | JAN 14 |
2018 Ordinances
Number | Subject | Adopted |
3133-18 | Modifying requirements for boathouse and dock approvals by Lakes & Waterways Advisory Board | DEC 10 |
3132-18 | Changing zoning from R-3 to Parks and Recreation – 2899 Temple Trail | DEC 10 |
3131-18 | Changing medium density residential future land use to open space and recreation with Conservation Overlay – 2899 Temple Trail | DEC 10 |
3130-18 | Annexation – Maitland de-annexation | DEC 10 |
3129-18 | Changing zoning of Low Density Residential (R-2) to Orange County Planned Development (PD) at 1308 Loren Avenue | NOV 26 |
3128-18 | Changing low Density Residential Future Use designation to an Orange County Planned Development at 1308 Loren Avenue | NOV 26 |
3127-18 | Refunding electric Refunding Revenue bonds, Series 2009A, 2009B and reimbursing refunding of the 2005A bonds | NOV 26 |
3126-18 | Amending Chapter 58, off-street parking and loading regulations to modify retail, office and restaurant parking regulations within the Central Business District, New England Avenue portion of Hannibal Square neighborhood commercial district and the Orange Avenue Corridor | NOV 12 |
3125-18 | Amending FY2018 adopted budget | NOV 12 |
3124-18 | Adopting the FY19 budget | SEP 24 |
3123-18 | Adopting the FY19 millage rate | SEP 24 |
3122-18 | Modifying and adding comprehensive plan policies within the text of the Future Land Use element regarding subdivisions of lakefront properties and estates on Lake Killarney | AUG 27 |
3121-18 | Amending Police Pension | AUG 27 |
3120-18 | Amending Fire Pension | AUG 27 |
3119-18 | Changing zoning at 338 West Morse Boulevard from O-1 Office to C-2 Commercial | AUG 13 |
3118-18 | Amending Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use element text policies and maps to enable approval of Central Business District Future Land Use on the property at 338 West Morse Blvd. and to change from an Office Future Land Use Designation to a Central Business District Future Land Use Designation | AUG 13 |
3117-18 | Amending sign regulations, regulating murals | JUL 23 |
3116-18 | Sydgan Corporation-changing zoning of Medium Density Multi-Family Residential (R-3) zoning to Commercial (C-2) at 218 S. Pennsylvania Avenue and 217 Hannibal Square East, and to change from Commercial (C-3) to Commercial (C-2) at 227 Hannibal Square East | JUL 9 |
3115-18 | Sydgan Corporation-changing Future Land Use designation of Medium Density Multi-Family Residential to Central business District at 218 S. Pennsylvania Avenue and 217 Hannibal Square East, and from Commercial to Central Business District at 227 Hannibal Square East | JUL 9 |
3114-18 | Z Properties-changing zoning map of Low Density Residential (R-2) to Parking Lot on portion of 301 North Pennsylvania Avenue | JUL 9 |
3113-18 | Z Properties-changing Future Land Use designation of Low Density Residential to Parking Lot on a portion of 301 N. Pennsylvania Avenue | JUL 9 |
3112-18 | Vacating and abandoning 15' utility easement – Project Wellness | JUL 9 |
3111-18 | Renewing Gas Franchise with People’s Gas | JUN 25 |
3110-18 | Updated Comprehensive Plan policies into Land Development Code, specifically the policy to adopt a new Medical Arts zoning district and to amend the R-3 and PL zoning districts | JUN 11 |
3109-18 | Amending various sign code regulations | MAY 14 |
3108-18 | Amending official zoning map to establish Commercial (C-3) zoning on annexed property at 1562 West Fairbanks Avenue | APR 9 |
3107-18 | Establishing commercial future land use on annexed property at 1562 West Fairbanks Avenue and indicate annexation on other maps within Comprehensive Plan | APR 9 |
3106-18 | Sale of 1111 W. Fairbanks Avenue | MAR 26 |
3105-18 | Vacating and abandoning a portion of Loren Avenue right-of-way from Elvin Avenue to the City limit line, Home Acres, Ravaudage | MAR 12 |
3104-18 | Adopting naming policy | FEB 12 |
3103-18 | Mayflower Retirement Community – amending zoning map to change portions of 2141 Oakhurst Avenue from Single Family (R-1A) district Zoning to Low Density Residential (R-2) and Medium Density Multi-Family Residential (R-3) district zoning to allow expansions of the facilities | FEB 12 |
3102-18 | Mayflower Retirement Community – amending Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map to change portions of 2141 Oakhurst Avenue from Single Family Future Land Use designation to a Low Density and Medium Density Residential Future Land Use designation | FEB 12 |
3101-18 | Relating to the 6th Edition of the Florida Building Code & 2018 Edition of the International Property Maintenance Code | JAN 22 |
3100-18 | Vacating and abandoning a certain portion of the public right-of-way known as Laurel Road | JAN 22 |
3099-18 | Adopting Procurement Policy – amending signature authority | JAN 8 |
2017 Ordinances
Number | Subject | Adopted |
3098-17 | Adopting new zoning regulations and development standards within the zoning districts of the City | DEC 11 |
3097-17 | Adopting changes to the concurrency management regulations necessary to implement the comprehensive plan, goals, objectives and policies document, dated April 24, 2017 | DEC 11 |
3096-17 | Adopting new zoning regulations changing the permitted, conditional prohibited uses and development standards within zoning districts; Adopting new development standards, densities and intensities of development; Adopting changes necessary to implement comprehensive plan, goals, objectives and policies document dated April 24, 2017 | DEC 11 |
3095-17 | Advance refunding water and sewer refunding and improvement revenue | DEC 11 |
3094-17 | Vacating easement at 1935 Woodcrest Drive | DEC 11 |
3093-17 | Vacating utility easement at 2010 Mizell Avenue | DEC 11 |
3092-17 | Fire Pension | DEC 11 |
3091-17 | Vacating easement located at 540 Interlachen Avenue | NOV 27 |
3090-17 | Changing future land use designation of Institutional to Medium Density Residential on a portion of 650 North New York Avenue | NOV 13 |
3089-17 | W. Canton Avenue easement vacate | NOV 13 |
3088-17 | FY 2017 budget amendments | NOV 13 |
3087-17 | Adopting FY 2018 budget | SEP 25 |
3086-17 | Adopting millage rate for 2018 | SEP 25 |
3085-17 | Amending official zoning map to change from Medium Density Multiple-Family Residential (R-3) to office (O-2) on properties at 407 St. Andrews Boulevard and 2291/2295/2301 and 2305 Glenwood Dr. | SEP 25 |
3084-17 | Amending official zoning map to change Public, Quasi-Public (PQP) District zoning to Parks and Recreation (PR) District at 652 and 700 West Morse Boulevard | SEP 25 |
3083-17 | Changing land use map designation of Institutional to Open Space and Recreation at 652 and 700 West Morse Boulevard | SEP 25 |
3082-17 | Amending Chapter 40, regarding communications facilities in public rights-of-way; implemented advanced wireless Infrastructure Deployment Act | AUG 28 |
3081-17 | Repealing and replacing Ordinance No. 2981-14 and the code provisions adopted with a new section 58-96 of Article II, chapter 58, Land Development Code to prohibit medical marijuana treatment center dispensing facilities within the boundaries of the city | AUG 14 |
3080-17 | Vacating and abandoning a portion of Benjamin Avenue right-of-way between Glendon Parkway and Morgan Lane within the Ravaudage development | AUG 14 |
3079-17 | Authorizing the conveyance of 301 West Comstock Avenue | JUL 24 |
3078-17 | Revising permitted uses in Office zoning districts to permit veterinary clinics | JUN 26 |
3077-17 | Authorizing a revolving line of credit not to exceed $8,000,000 with SunTrust Bank to finance working capital needs of the electric utility system | MAY 8 |
3076-17 | Adopting a new comprehensive plan, goals, objectives and policies document, substituting for the current 2009 Comprehensive Plan adopted February 23, 2009 | APR 24 |
3075-17 | Adding and amending regulations governing communications facilities in public rights-of-way | APR 24 |
3074-17 | Amending Official Zoning Map from Single Family Residential (R-1A) District to Low Density Residential (R-2) zoning at 524 Country Club Drive | APR 10 |
3073-17 | Amending Comprehensive Plan future Land Use map to change from a Single Family Future Land use designation to Low Density Residential at 524 Country Club Drive | APR 10 |
3072-17 | Authorizing conveyance of City owned property located at 2600 Lee Road | MAR 13 |
3071-17 | Amending Official Zoning Map to change Low Density Residential (R-2) Zoning to Commercial (C-3) District zoning on 875 square feet on Northwest corner of 483 Holt Avenue | MAR 13 |
3070-17 | Amending “Comprehensive Plan” Future Land Use Map to change the Future Land Use designation of Low Density Residential to Commercial on 875 square feet of the northwest corner of 483 Holt Avenue | MAR 13 |
3069-17 | Amending Land Development Code “Zoning Regulations” to change the Text of the Commercial (C-3) zoning district to add a new conditional use for “Facility Operations and Skilled Trade Shops Serving a College or University | MAR 13 |
3068-17 | Amending Chapter 102-182, City Code with respect to penalties for unauthorized discharges into waterways and other violations of Chapter 102, City Code of Ordinances; providing for fines as provided in the City’s fee schedule; providing for enforcement via the Code Compliance Board for repeated or continuous violations | FEB 27 |
3067-17 | Establishing the Golf Course Advisory Board and reducing the members on the Public Art Advisory Board | FEB 27 |
3066-17 | Vacating and abandoning utility easements in Blocks A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,L,M,O,P and portion abutting Lots 1-6 and Lots 16-20, Block K of Home Acres Subdivision (Ravaudage) | FEB 27 |
3065-17 | To amend the Official Zoning Map to change from Single Family Residential (R-1A) District to Medium Density Multiple Family Residential (R-3) District zoning on the 11’ of property to the east of 326 Hannibal Square, East and to change from Commercial (C-2) District zoning to Medium Density Multiple Family Residential (R-3) District zoning on the property at 354 Hannibal Square, East and from Single Family Residential (R-1A) District zoning to Low Density Residential (R-2) District zoning on the properties at 463 and 455 West Lyman Avenue | FEB 13 |
3064-17 | To amend the “Comprehensive Plan” Future Land Use Map to change from Single Family Residential to Medium Density Residential on the 11’ to the east of 326 Hannibal Square, East and to change from Central Business District to Medium Density Residential on the property at 354 Hannibal Square, East and from Single Family Residential to Low Density Residential at 463 and 455 West Lyman Avenue | FEB 13 |
3063-17 | Changing zoning of Medium Density Multi-Family Residential (R-3) to Commercial (C-2) at 309 West New England Avenue | JAN 23 |
3062-17 | Amending Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map to change Future Land Use designation of Commercial to Central Business District at 309 West New England Avenue (Lot 16, Block 40) | JAN 23 |
3061-17 | Providing for approval of Project Wellness final plat and acceptance of dedications; providing for vacation and abandonment of certain portions of Mizell Avenue, South Edinburgh Drive and North Perth Lane; providing for vacation and abandonment of certain distribution and utility easements | JAN 23 |
2016 Ordinances
Number | Subject | Adopted |
3060-16 | To amend the Official zoning map to change from Low Density Residential (R-2) District zoning to Commercial (C-3) District zoning on the vacant property fronting on Symonds Avenue (Former 620/630 Symonds) | DEC 12 |
3059-16 | To amend the "Comprehensive Plan” Future Land Use Map to change from Low Density Residential to Commercial Future Land Use Designation on the vacant property fronting on Symonds Avenue (Former 620/630 Symonds) | DEC 12 |
3058-16 | To amend the Official Zoning Map from Public, Quasi-Public (PQP) District zoning to Low Density Residential (R-2) District zoning on the vacant “Blake Yard” property at 301 West Comstock Avenue | DEC 12 |
3057-16 | To amend the "Comprehensive Plan” Future Land Use Map from an Institutional Future Land Use designation to a Low Density Residential Future Land Use designation on the vacant “Blake Yard” property at 301 West Comstock Avenue | DEC 12 |
3056-16 | Proposing an amendment to the City Charter eliminating Primary elections for candidates for City Commission and Mayor and providing for run-off elections; submitting proposed Charter amendment to a vote by the electors of Winter Park via referendum at the General City Election to be held March 14, 2017; providing for amendment of Chapter 42 of the City Code regarding City elections if the Charter amendment is adopted | NOV 28 |
3055-16 | Repealing and replacing Chapter 82, Solid Waste, Article I, in General and Article II, Municipal Collection and Disposal Service | NOV 28 |
3054-16 | Amending the adopted budget and accompanying the Five Year Capital Improvement Plan for FY 2015-2016 | NOV 28 |
3053-16 | Amending official zoning map to change from Single Family Residential (R-1A) District zoning to Parking Lot (PL) District zoning on vacant property at 520 South Pennsylvania Avenue | NOV 14 |
3052-16 | Amending comprehensive plan to change from single Family Density Residential Future Land Use designation to a Parking Lot Future Land Use Designation on vacant property at 520 South Pennsylvania Avenue | NOV 14 |
3051-16 | Authorizing the conveyance of city owned property located between 652 and 700 West Morse Boulevard | OCT 10 |
3050-16 | Adopting the FY 2017 annual budget | SEP 26 |
3049-16 | Adopting the FY 2017 millage rate | SEP 26 |
3048-16 | Amending Chapter 74, personnel, Article V, Retirement and Pension Plans Division 4, Police Officers | SEP 26 |
3047-16 | Prohibiting the feeding of feral cats in Mead Botanical Garden, correcting the Fleet Peeples Park name to Lake Baldwin Park and prohibiting the abandoning of pets in City parks | SEP 26 |
3046-16 | Amending Chapter 58, Comprehensive Plan to add and amend policies in the text of the Future Land Use Element and also within West Fairbanks Corridor Study Area “L” to revise and adopt new policies concerning business types to be prohibited within specified gateway corridor entrances into the city | SEP 12 |
3045-16 | Changing zoning from Single family Residential (R-1A) to Low Density Residential (R-2) at 2281 Nairn Drive | SEP 12 |
3044-16 | Granting petition of Ravaudage Community Development District and dissolving the Ravaudage Community Development District (CDD) | AUG 8 |
3043-16 | Amending the zoning at 226 Hannibal Square, East from Parking Lot (PL) District to Multi-Family Residential (R-3) | JUL 11 |
3042-16 | Solid Waste franchise (Waste Pro) | JUN 27 |
3041-16 | Abandoning a portion of Via Palermo right-of-way while retaining utility easement | JUN 27 |
3040-16 | Revisions to Section 58, Article VIII, Historic Preservation | JUN 13 |
3039-16 | Repealing and replacing Chapter 58, Article V, Division 3, Flood Plain Regulations | JUN 13 |
3038-16 | Vacating and abandoning utility easements in Lots 7 and 8 of Sevilla Subdivision | JUN 13 |
3037-16 | Modifications to Police Pension | JUN 13 |
3036-16 | Amending Chapter 50, Fire Prevention and Protection | MAY 23 |
3035-16 | Amending Ordinance Nos. 2843-11 and 2880-12, Article III, Chapter 2, City Code regarding City boards and commissions; and amending Chapter 22, Article II, Section 22-28 “Amendments to Florida Building Code”, Subsection 113 concerning the Construction Board of Appeals | MAY 9 |
3034-16 | Vacating utility easements for Lots 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, 15 and 16 of Block 41, Town of Winter Park subdivision bounded by New England Avenue, Virginia Avenue, Welbourne Avenue and Hannibal Square East | MAY 9 |
3033-16 | Amending official zoning map to change from Office (O-1) zoning to Commercial (C-3) district at 1240 Fairview Avenue | MAR 14 |
3032-16 | Amending Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map to change from Office to a Commercial designation at 1240 Fairview Avenue | MAR 14 |
3031-16 | Authorizing the issuance of not exceeding $21,000,000 Electric Refunding Revenue Bonds to finance the refunding of a portion of its outstanding Electric Refunding and Improvement Revenue Bonds, Series 2007 | MAR 14 |
3030-16 | Streamline permitting process; establish rear setbacks for Single Family Residential properties with short lot depths | FEB 8 |
3029-16 | Winter Park Health Foundation - Amending official zoning map to change Office (O-2) district to Office (O-1) zoning on a portion of 2010 Mizell Avenue and the properties at 1992 Mizell Avenue, 101 S. Edinburgh Drive and 149 S. Edinburgh Drive | JAN 25 |
3028-16 | Winter Park Health Foundation - Amending Land Development Code “Zoning” to change within Section 58-72 Office (O-1) District, Subsection (F) Development Standards to allow for a building floor area ratio of up to 98%, conditioned upon use for health and wellness related uses | JAN 25 |
3027-16 | Winter Park Health Foundation - Adding new comprehensive plan policy to text of Future Land Use element within Winter Park Hospital Study Area “C” to allow for a building floor area ratio of up to 98%, conditioned upon use for health and wellness related uses | JAN 25 |
3026-16 | Vacating and abandoning utility easements located at 110 South Orlando Avenue | JAN 11 |
3025-16 | Adding within Section 58-67 Low Density Residential (R-2) District, a new conditional use provision for child care and education facilities operated by non-profit entities subject to certain limitations | JAN 11 |
2015 Ordinances
Number | Subject | Adopted |
3024-15 | Historic Preservation | DEC 14 |
3023-15 | Creating regulations for street performers in certain areas of the City | DEC 14 |
3022-15 | Change zoning of Commercial (C-3) and Low Density Residential (R-2) to Planned Development (PD-2) at 1531 Lee Road and 1325 Lewis Drive | DEC 14 |
3021-15 | Change Future Land Use designation of Commercial and Low Density Residential at 1531 Lee Road and 1325 Lewis Drive to Planned Development | DEC 14 |
3020-15 | Library and Events Center bond referendum | NOV 23 |
3019-15 | Updating the ordinary high water elevations of lakes and provide for clarifications of waterfront review procedures and development standards | NOV 9 |
3018-15 | Amending adopted budget and five year capital improvement plan for FY2014-2015 | NOV 9 |
3017-15 | Changing official zoning map from Medium Density Multi-Family Residential (R-3) to Commercial (C-2) at 347 West New England Avenue | NOV 9 |
3016-15 | Changing future Land Use designation of Commercial to Central Business District at 347 West New England Avenue (Bethel Baptist Church) | NOV 9 |
3015-15 | Vacating and abandoning 5' utility easement in Block “G”, Home Acres and 1999 Florida Power Corporation distribution easement | OCT 12 |
3014-15 | Changing the existing zoning designation of Office (O-1) District to Commercial (C-2) District | OCT 12 |
3013-15 | Changing the future land use map designation of Commercial to Central Business District, 652 West Morse Boulevard | OCT 12 |
3012-15 | Adopting the FY 2016 budget | SEP 28 |
3011-15 | Adopting the FY 2016 millage rate | SEP 28 |
3010-15 | Establishing Commercial (C-3) zoning at 1566 W. Fairbanks | SEP 28 |
3009-15 | Establishing a Commercial Future Land Use designation at 1566 W. Fairbanks | SEP 28 |
3008-15 | Amending Ordinance No. 1883, Affordable Housing to include Workforce Housing | SEP 14 |
3007-15 | Amending Chapter 22, Florida Building Code, fire sprinkler requirement | AUG 24 |
3006-15 | Adopting parking garage design guidelines | AUG 10 |
3005-15 | Amending zoning from Single Family (R-1A) to Office (O-1) – 1500 S. Orlando Ave | AUG 10 |
3004-15 | Amending comprehensive plan to change Future Land Use Designation of Institutional to Office and Professional – 1500 S. Orlando Ave | AUG 10 |
3003-15 | Taxation, Business Tax categories clarification | JUL 27 |
3002-15 | Clarifying language by removing antiquated term “servant" | JUL 13 |
3001-15 | Annexation - 1566 W. Fairbanks Avenue | JUL 27 |
3000-15 | Winter Park Racquet Club, 2011 Via Tuscany, changing zoning from Single Family (R-1AAA) to Parks and Recreation (PR) | JUN 22 |
2999-15 | Winter Park Racquet Club, 2011 Via Tuscany, amending Comprehensive Plan to change from Single Family Residential to an Open Space and Recreation Future Land Use designation | JUN 22 |
2998-15 | Amending zoning map to change from Single Family (R-1A) District to Parking Lot (PL) at 453 N. Lakemont Avenue (Fifth Third Bank) | MAY 11 |
2997-15 | Amending comprehensive plan future land use map-change from Single Family Residential to Parking Lot at 453 N. Lakemont Avenue (Fifth Third Bank) | MAY 11 |
2996-15 | Vacating and abandoning unused Florida Power distribution easement at 326 Hannibal Square East | APR 13 |
2995-15 | Amending official zoning map to establish Single Family Residential (R-1AA) District zoning - 1802 Stonehurst Road | APR 13 |
2994-15 | Amending comprehensive plan future land use map to establish Single Family Future Land Use designation - 1802 Stonehurst Road | APR 13 |
2993-15 | Changing the Zoning of Single Family (R-1A) District to Parks and Recreation (PR) District for 2908 Temple Trail | MAR 9 |
2992-15 | Changing the Future Land Use Designation of Single Family Residential to Open Space and Recreation for 2908 Temple Trail | MAR 9 |
2991-15 | Vacating and abandoning the portion of Kindel Avenue between Benjamin Avenue and Lewis Drive within Ravaudage Planned Development and Home Acres Subdivision area | MAR 9 |
2990-15 | Annexing Portion of Howell Branch Road right-of-way | MAR 23 |
2989-15 | Annexing 1802 Stonehurst Road | MAR 23 |
2988-15 | Amending portions of Chapter 102, Utilities, Article IV, Sewers and Sewage Disposal, as well as creating the Grease Management Ordinance, Sections 102-115.01 through 102-115.14 | FEB 9 |
2987-15 | Amending Chapter 58, Land Development Code, Article III, Zoning, Section 58-74 Commercial (C-1) District to provide for car rental agencies as a conditional use within that C-1 Commercial zoning district | JAN 26 |
2014 Ordinances
Number | Subject | Adopted |
2986-14 | Removing the requirement for supermajority votes for the approval of certain conditional uses | DEC 8 |
2985-14 | Amending FY2014 adopted budget | NOV 24 |
2984-14 | Vacating utility easement at 500 W. Morse Blvd. (DePugh Nursing) | NOV 24 |
2983-14 | Vacating utility easement at 1245 Orange Avenue | NOV 24 |
2982-14 | Authorizing the conveyance of the City owned property located at 300 North Pennsylvania Avenue | NOV 10 |
2981-14 | Regulating medical marijuana treatment centers | OCT 27 |
2980-14 | Vacating and abandoning the portions of Galloway Drive and Friends Avenue within the proposed Whole Foods development project | OCT 27 |
2979-14 | Supplementing Ord. 2953-14, authorizing the issuance of not exceeding $16,000,000 Electric Revenue Bonds to finance its outstanding electric revenue bonds, Series 2005A | OCT 27 |
2978-14 | Vacating and abandoning the utility easement at 716 Kiwi Circle | OCT 13 |
2977-14 | Adopting the FY 2015 Annual Budget | SEP 22 |
2976-14 | Adopting the FY 2015 Millage Rate | SEP 22 |
2975-14 | Amending Division 1 of Article IV of Chapter 62, Offenses and Miscellaneous Provisions of the City code, Section 62-77, Loitering-Generally | SEP 8 |
2974-14 | Vacating and abandoning the easement located at 1870 Laurel Road | SEP 8 |
2973-14 | Amending the official zoning map to change the zoning of Office (O-1) District to Commercial (C-3) District – 1141/1143 Orange Avenue | JUL 28 |
2972-14 | Amending Article I, “Comprehensive Plan” to change the Future Land Use designation of Office to Commercial - 1141/1143 Orange Avenue | JUL 28 |
2971-14 | Amending Chapter 58 “Land Development Code” Article I, “Comprehensive Plan” by amending the Goals, Objectives and Policies text within the Future Land Use Element related to repealing the requirement for a supermajority vote of the City Commission to approve certain conditional uses | JUL 14 |
2970-14 | Amending Chapter 58 “Land Development Code” Article I, “Comprehensive Plan” by amending the Goals, Objectives and Policies text within the Future Land Use Element related to the maximum building height within the Central Business District Future Land Use Designation | JUL 14 |
2969-14 | Prohibiting the construction of a professional minor league baseball Stadium in Martin Luther King, Jr. Park | JUL 14 |
2968-14 | Establishing the West Fairbanks Avenue Water/Sewer Impact Fee Deferral Program | JUL 14 |
2967-14 | Amending the official Zoning Map to change the existing Zoning Designation of Medium Density Multi-Family Residential (R-3) District to Commercial (C-2) District for the property at 421 W. Morse Boulevard | JUL 14 |
2966-14 | Amending the Comprehensive Plan to change the Future Land Use Map Designation of Medium Density Multi-Family Residential to Central Business District for the property at 421 W. Morse Boulevard | JUL 14 |
2965-14 | Vacating and abandoning a portion of Loren Avenue within the Ravaudage Planned Development and Home Acres Subdivision area | JUL 14 |
2964-14 | Amending the Official Zoning Map to change the existing zoning designations of General Commercial (C-3), Limited Commercial (C-3A), And Medium Density Multi-Family Residential (R-3) Districts to Commercial (C-2) District at 298 and 313 W. New England Avenue | JUN 23 |
2963-14 | Amending the Comprehensive Plan to change the Future Land Use Map Designation of Commercial to Central Business District at 298 and 313 W. New England Avenue | JUN 23 |
2962-14 | Amending the Official Zoning Map to change the zoning of Low Density Residential (R-2) District to Medium Density Multi-Family Residential (R-3) District on the 0.64 acres of vacant property at the northeast corner of Schultz and Michigan Avenues | JUN 23 |
2961-14 | Amending the Comprehensive Plan to change the Future Land Use Designation of Low Density Residential to Medium Density Multi-Family Residential Future Land Use on the 0.64 acres of vacant property at the northeast corner of Schultz and Michigan Avenues | JUN 23 |
2960-14 | Amending the Official Zoning Map to change the zoning of Medium Density Multi-Family Residential (R-3) District to Commercial (C-3) District at 967 Cherokee Avenue | JUN 23 |
2959-14 | Amending the Comprehensive Plan to change the Future Land Use Designation of Medium Density Multi-Family Residential to Commercial Future Land Use at 967 Cherokee Avenue | JUN 23 |
2958-14 | Governing garbage collection service in the Center Street business corridor | MAY 12 |
2957-14 | Amending the Official Zoning Map to change the Commercial (C-3) and Low Density Residential (R-2) District designations to Planned Development (PD-2) District zoning | MAY 12 |
2956-14 | Amending the “Comprehensive Plan” Future Land Use Map to change the Future Land use Designations of Commercial and Low Density Residential to Planned Development Future Land Use designation | MAY 12 |
2955-14 | Authorizing the conveyance of the City-owned property at 321 Hannibal Square West in exchange for the property located at 325 S. Pennsylvania Ave | MAR 24 |
2954-14 | Vacating and abandoning the easement located at 2020 W. Fawsett Road | MAR 24 |
2953-14 | Authorizing the issuance of not exceeding $16,000,000 Electric Revenue Bonds to finance its outstanding electric revenue bonds Series 2005A | MAR 10 |
2952-14 | Amending the official Zoning Map to establish Single Family Residential (R-1AA) District | FEB 10 |
2951-14 | Amending the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map to establish a Single Family Future Land Use designation | FEB 10 |
2950-14 | Amending Chapter 58 “Land Development Code” creating a non-compete window of 30 days before or after the City’s annual spring and fall art festivals (relating to non-residential zoning districts and the conditions required for a special event) | FEB 24 |
2949-14 | Vacating and abandoning the electric utility easement at 470 W. New England Avenue | JAN 27 |
2948-14 | Annexing 612 East Lake Sue Avenue | JAN 27 |
2013 Ordinances
Number | Subject | Adopted |
2947-13 | Vacating and abandoning a portion of Gaines Way lying between 610 Gaines Way and 1760 Gaines Way, but retaining and reserving to the City a utility easement over the entire area | DEC 9 |
2946-13 | Amending Chapter 58, Land Development Code, Article III, Zoning and the official Zoning Map so as to establish Commercial (C-3) Zoning on the annexed property at 656 Overspin Drive | DEC 9 |
2945-13 | Amending Chapter 58, Land Development Code, Article I, Comprehensive Plan, Future Land Use Map so as to establish Commercial Future Land Use on the annexed property at 656 Overspin Drive and to indicate the annexation of this property on other maps within the Comprehensive Plan | DEC 9 |
2944-13 | Amending Section 2-48, general rules applicable to subsidiary boards | NOV 11 |
2943-13 | Changing the zoning of Multi-Family Residential (R-3) to Office (O-2) at 409 St. Andrews Boulevard | NOV 11 |
2942-13 | Amending the Firefighters’ Pension Plan | OCT 28 |
2941-13 | Streamlining the film permitting process | OCT 28 |
2940-13 | Amending Section 34-30, Title and Ownership of lots and spaces in the City cemeteries, to clarify the ownership interest that may be conferred and to add provision for the City to regain ownership of abandoned rights to be buried within a municipal cemetery | OCT 14 |
2939-13 | Adopting the FY 2014 Annual Budget | SEP 23 |
2938-13 | Adopting the FY 2014 Millage Rate | SEP 23 |
2937-13 | Allowing City Manager to make special exception for dogs to be in Central Park and other prohibited park areas for specific events | SEP 23 |
2936-13 | Revising the permitted and conditional use regulations for restaurants and other food service establishments; providing definitions for fine dining and other restaurants | SEP 9 |
2935-13 | Amending Police Officer’s Pension Plan | AUG 26 |
2934-13 | Amending Firefighters Pension Plan | AUG 26 |
2933-13 | Amending Section 2-107(e), Administrative Fines; Costs of Repair; Liens, of Chapter 2, Administration, repealing the clause declaring that Code enforcement liens take priority over other liens | AUG 12 |
2932-13 | Repealing obsolete provisions and amending Chapter 98, Traffic and Vehicle , Article VI, Traffic Light Safety Act, of the City code to Implement Chapter 2013-160, Laws of Florida; providing for local Hearing officer consistent with general law | AUG 12 |
2931-13 | Authorizing the conveyance of the city-owned property at 645 Symonds Avenue in exchange for the property located at 813 W. New England Avenue | JUL 22 |
2930-13 | Renaming that portion of Loch Lomond Drive between Glenwood Drive and Mizell Avenue as North Edinburgh Drive and renaming that section of Edinburgh Drive between Mizell Avenue and Dundee Drive as south Edinburgh Drive | JUL 8 |
2929-13 | Amending Section 1-7, General Penalty; Continuing Violations of Chapter 1, General Provisions, Article I, in general, to amend the penalty for violating municipal ordinances to comply with state law | JUL 8 |
2928-13 | Changing the Medium Density Multi-Family Residential (R-3) District Zoning to Parking Lot (PL) District on the rear of the property at 1285 Orange Avenue and on 951 and 955 Oak Place and to Office (O-1) District on the South 10 Feet of 955 Oak Place | JUN 24 |
2927-13 | Changing the Future Land Use Designations of Medium Density Residential to Parking Lot Future Land Use on the rear of the property at 1285 Orange Avenue and on 951 and 955 Oak Place and to Office Future Land Use on the South 10 Feet Of 955 Oak Place | JUN 24 |
2926-13 | Adopting the City seal retroactive to the formal adoption of the seal on May 10, 2004 | JUN 24 |
2925-13 | Amending Section 42-1, Definitions, and 42-7, Qualification of Candidates and Clerk’s Certification, of Chapter 42, Elections, to add definitions for “Qualification Deadline”, “Qualification Documents”, and “Qualification Period”, and to clarify qualification requirements | JUN 24 |
2924-13 | Establishing hours of operation for State License Massage Therapy Businesses and to prohibit residential use of such commercial and office space | JUN 24 |
2923-13 | Establishing Commercial (C-3) District zoning and Low Density Residential (R-2) District zoning on recently annexed properties at 970, 1000, 1008, 1306 and 1308 Loren Avenue; 933, 1101, 1123, 1211, 1253 and 1313 Lewis Drive; 1141 Benjamin Avenue; 600, 1449, 1471, 1501 and 1531 Lee Road and at 1175 N. Orlando Avenue | JUN 10 |
2922-13 | Amending "Comprehensive Plan” Future Land Use Map to establish Low Density Residential and Commercial Future Land Use designation to recently annexed properties at 970, 1000, 1008, 1306 and 1308 Loren Avenue; 933, 1101, 1123, 1211, 1253 and 1313 Lewis Drive; 1141 Benjamin Avenue; 600, 1449, 1471, 1501 and 1531 Lee Road and at 1175 N. Orlando Avenue | JUN 10 |
2921-13 | Vacating and abandoning certain streets within the Ravaudage Planned Development and Home Acres Subdivision area including right-of-way of Elvin Avenue lying between Bennett Avenue and Loren Avenue; the r-o-w of Loren Avenue lying between Elvin Avenue and Glendon Parkway and the r-o-w of Kindel Avenue lying between Bennett Avenue and Lewis Avenue | JUN 10 |
2920-13 | Annexing right of way of Aloma Avenue from 2015 Aloma Avenue to city limits and the right of way of Balfour Drive from Amsden Road south to city limits | JUL 22 |
2919-13 | Amending Chapter 58, “:and Development Code”, Article I “Comprehensive Plan” Future Land Use map so as to change the Future Land Use designation of Medium-density Residential to Parking Lot on the properties at 930, 950 and 960 Minnesota Avenue | MAY 13 |
2918-13 | Amending Chapter 58, “Land Development Code”, Article III, “Zoning” and the official Zoning map so as to change the Zoning designation of Medium Density Multi-Family (R-3) District to Parking Lot (PL) District on the properties at 930, 950 and 960 Minnesota Avenue | MAY 13 |
2917-13 | Amending Chapter 58 “Land Development Code” Article I, “Comprehensive Plan” in the Future Land Use Element so as to add new policy text and a new Future Land Use category Restricted and Limited to Parking Lot use to correspond to the Parking Lot (PL) Zoning District | APR 22 |
2916-13 | Granting petition of Benjamin Partners, Ltd.; establishing and naming The Ravaudage Community Development District (CDD) pursuant to Chapter 190, Florida Statutes; describing and providing the external boundaries, the functions and the powers of the district; designating five persons to serve as the initial members of the District’s Board of Supervisors | APR 8 |
2915-13 | Changing the Zoning designation of Single Family (R-1A) District and Public, Quasi-Public (PQP) District to Office (O-2) District on the properties at 216, 226 and 234 West Lyman Avenue | APR 8 |
2914-13 | Change the Future Land Use designation of Single Family Residential and Institutional to Office Future Land Use on the properties at 216, 226 and 234 West Lyman Avenue | APR 8 |
2913-13 | Amending the Official Zoning Map to change the existing zoning designation of Single Family (R1-A) district to Low Density Residential (R-2) district zoning on the property at 250 West Lyman Avenue | MAR 11 |
2912-13 | Amending the Comprehensive Plan future land use map to change the existing future land use designation of Single Family Residential to Low Density Residential on the property at 250 West Lyman Avenue | MAR 11 |
2911-13 | Vacating and abandoning the utility easement at 1141 Via Capri | MAR 11 |
2910-13 | Amending Chapter 58, Land Development Code by repealing the requirement for a supermajority vote of the City Commission to adopt ordinances; repealing Section 58-89(e) regarding Rezoning Ordinances; amending Section 58-95 regarding Community Redevelopment Area | FEB 11 |
2909-13 | Amending Section 58-6 to revise the procedures for amendments to the Comprehensive Plan, repealing Section 58-7 regarding development agreements adopted pursuant to Chapter 163, Florida Statutes; amending Policy 1-1.1.3 and repealing Policy 1-1.1.5 of the City’s Comprehensive Plan of the Goals, Objectives and Policies of the Future Land Use Element to remove the requirement of supermajority of votes for ordinances | APR 22 |
2908-13 | Amending Chapter 58, Land Development Code, Article III, “Zoning” and the official zoning map establishing Single Family (R-1AA) Zoning on the annexed property at 500 Lake Sue Avenue | FEB 11 |
2907-13 | Amending Chapter 58, Land Development Code, Article I, Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map establishing Single Family Residential Future Land Use on the annexed property at 500 East Lake Sue Avenue and to indicate the annexation of this property on the other maps within the Comprehensive Plan | FEB 11 |
2906-13 | Amending Firefighters Pension Plan | JAN 28 |
2905-13 | Amending Police Officers Pension Plan | JAN 28 |
2904-13 | Change the existing zoning designation of Single Family (R-1A) District to Multi-Family (High Density R-4) District on the rear portion of 835 West Canton Avenue | JAN 28 |
2903-13 | Change the future land use designation of Single Family Residential to High Density Residential on the rear portion of 835 West Canton Avenue | JAN 28 |
2902-13 | Change the existing zoning designation of Single Family Residential (R-1A) District to Multi-Family (High Density R-4) District for property located at 861 West Canton Avenue | JAN 14 |
2901-13 | Change the existing zoning designation of Single Family Residential to High Density Residential for property located at 861 West Canton Avenue | JAN 14 |
2896-13 | Annexation - 500 East Lake Sue Avenue | JAN 28 |
2012 Ordinances
Number | Subject | Adopted |
2900-12 | Change the existing zoning designation of Single Family Residential (R-1A) District to Public, Quasi-Public (PQP) District for properties at 1751 and 1761 Palmer Avenue (YMCA) | DEC 10 |
2899-12 | Change the existing designation of Single Family Residential to Institutional for properties at 1751 and 1761 Palmer Avenue (YMCA) | DEC 10 |
2898-12 | Issuance of refunding notes to refund the outstanding Orange Avenue Improvement revenue bond series 2007 and Park Avenue Refunding Improvement Revenue Bond series 2010 | DEC 10 |
2897-12 | Issuance of a redevelopment refunding revenue note to refund CRA notes 2003-1, 2003-2, 2005-1 and 2005-2 | DEC 10 |
2895-12 | Amending Chapter 58 “Land Development Code” Article V, “Environmental Protection Regulations” Division 6, “Tree Preservation and Protection” so as to amend tree removal compensation requirements, amend use of the Tree Replacement Fund, provide exemption from requiring a tree removal permit and establish enforcement procedure for removing hazardous trees | NOV 26 |
2894-12 | Amending Chapter 58, “Land Development Code”, Article III, “Zoning” Section 58-75 “Commercial (C-2) District” so as to increase the residential density for and limited to the property at 444 W. New England Avenue in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan | NOV 12 |
2893-12 | Amending Chapter 58 “Land Development Code”, Article I, “Comprehensive Plan” in the Future Land Use Element so as to add a new policy increasing the residential density for and limited to the property at 444 W. New England Avenue, in order to permit the second floor to be used as residential units | NOV 12 |
2892-12 | Vacating and abandoning the easement located at 911 North Orlando Avenue | NOV 12 |
2891-12 | Partially vacating and abandoning the easement located at 901 North Orlando Avenue | NOV 12 |
2890-12 | Amending Chapter 58, “Land Development Code”, Article III “Zoning” and the Official Zoning Map so as to Change the Zoning Designation for the property located at 940 W. Canton Avenue From Office (O-1) District Multi-Family (High Density R-4) District and to change that Property’s designation on the maximum height map from a maximum three Stories to a maximum four stories and to amend the C-1 Commercial District text providing for New Residential Density Allowances for and limited to the property 1020 W. Canton Avenue | OCT 8 |
2889-12 | Amending Chapter 58 “Land Development Code”, Article I “Comprehensive Plan” in the future land use element so as to change the Comprehensive Plan future land use map designation for the property located at 940 W. Canton Avenue from office to high density residential and to change that property’s designation on the maximum height map from a maximum three stories to a maximum four stories and to add a new policy providing for new residential density allowances for and limited to the properties at 940 and 1020 W. Canton Avenue | OCT 8 |
2888-12 | Amending Chapter 58 “Land Development Code”, Article III “Zoning” and the official zoning map so as to change the zoning designation of Commercial (C-3) district to Medium Density Multi-Family (R-3) district for the property at 271 N. Pennsylvania Avenue | OCT 8 |
2887-12 | Amending Chapter 58 “Land Development Code”, Article I “Comprehensive Plan” future land use map so as to change the future land use designation of Commercial to Medium Density Residential for the property at 271 N. Pennsylvania Avenue | OCT 8 |
2886-12 | Amending Section 62-77 of the code and adding new section 62-79 to promote public peace and order in single family home residential areas | SEP 24 |
2885-12 | Amending Chapter 58 “Land Development Code”, Section 58-65 “R-1AAA Lakefront District” and Section 58-66 “R-1AA and R-1A Districts” by adding a special side setback option for narrow lots | SEP 24 |
2884-12 | Adopting the FY 2013 Annual Budget | SEP 24 |
2883-12 | Adopting the FY 2013 Millage Rate | SEP 24 |
2882-12 | Amending Chapter 58 “Land Development Code”, Article III, Zoning Regulations Section 58-86 “Off Street Parking Regulations” to expand the Hannibal Square Parking Exclusion District to include the restaurant property at 433 W. New England Avenue (Mi Tomatina Restaurant) | SEP 10 |
2881-12 | Emergency ordinance to promote public peace and order in single family home residential areas | AUG 27 |
2880-12 | Amending Ordinance No. 2843-11, Advisory Board to establish a Keep Winter Park Beautiful/Sustainable Advisory Board (eliminate Environmental Review Board) | AUG 13 |
2879-12 | Annexation – 600 Baffie Avenue | SEP 10 |
2878-12 | Annexation – 656 Overspin Drive | SEP 10 |
2877-12 | Vacating a 3 foot electric utility distribution easement located at 1302 West Fairbanks Avenue for the new McDonalds restaurant | JUN 25 |
2876-12 | Allowing an increase in taxi cab rates | JUN 11 |
2875-12 | Enacting revisions to single family and accessory building regulations; adding pain management clinics as a permitted use in the I-1 zoning district, establishing parking requirements and definition of Pain Management Clinic; and adding special buffer requirements for vehicle use areas abutting residential areas | JUN 11 |
2874-12 | Relating to Pain Management Clinics and Pharmacies, and repealing the moratorium (ordinance 2840-11) | APR 23 |
2873-12 | Amending Chapter 22 to incorporate the Florida Building Code With certain administrative and technical amendments | APR 9 |
2872-12 | Amending Ordinance No. 2840-11, Moratorium for Pain Management Clinics | MAR 12 |
2871-12 | Changing zoning designation of Single Family Residential (R-1A) to Medium Density Multi-Family (R-3) at 444 W. Swoope Avenue | MAR 12 |
2870-12 | Amending comprehensive plan, future land use map from single Family Residential to Medium Density Residential at 444 W. Swoope Avenue | MAR 12 |
2869-12 | Annexation – Ravaudage (Home Acres) 51 acres | NOV 12 |
2868-12 | Establishing parking restrictions at electric charging stations | FEB 27 |
2867-12 | Annexation of 600 Lee Road | NOV 12 |
2866-12 | Amending the official zoning map to change the existing zoning Designation of Single Family Residential (R1A) District to Parking Lot (PL) District at 1210 Dallas Avenue | JAN 23 |
2865-12 | Amending the comprehensive plan future land use map to change The future land use designation of Single-Family Residential to Office Professional on the property located at 1210 Dallas Avenue And amending planning area “J” Policy 1-4.1.J.11 in the future Land use element to add an exception to the encroachment of Non-residential land use | JAN 23 |
2011 Ordinances
Number | Subject | Adopted |
2864-11 | Vacating and abandoning the easement located at 2525 Via Tuscany Lane | DEC 12 |
2863-11 | Amending Section 114-6 of the Code of Ordinances regarding Lakeshore Protection | DEC 12 |
2855-11 | Amending Article I, “Comprehensive Plan” to update the Capital Improvement Element to reflect the revised Five Year Capital Improvement Plan inclusion within the data, inventory and analysis Component of the Comprehensive Plan | NOV 28 |
2862-11 | Authorizing the conveyance of the City owned property located at 941 W. Morse Boulevard (state office building) | NOV 28 |
2861-11 | Adopting new public notice and adoption procedures for amendments to the City of Winter Park Comprehensive Plan, substituting for the current amendment procedures | OCT 24 |
2860-11 | Revising the public notice requirements for zoning amendments and conditional uses and the extension or re-establishment of conditional uses | OCT 24 |
2859-11 | Vacating and abandoning an existing utility easement located at 1500 Summerland Ave | OCT 10 |
2858-11 | Repeal sections 62-51 and 62-53 of the City Code and amend section 62-52 of the City Code as required by Chapter 2011-109, Laws of Florida regarding firearms and ammunition | OCT 10 |
2857-11 | Vacating and abandoning a portion of the City utility easement located at 1680 Magnolia Avenue | SEP 26 |
2856-11 | Amending Article I, “Comprehensive Plan” so as to eliminate the twice a year limitation on amendments to the City’s Comprehensive Plan, substituting for the current amendment procedures | SEP 26 |
2854-11 | Adopting the FY 2012 budget | SEP 26 |
2853-11 | Adopting the FY 2012 millage rate | SEP 26 |
2851-11 | Authorizing the refunding of the Water and Sewer Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2002 | SEP 12 |
2850-11 | Amending Article III, "Zoning” so as to revise the approval procedures for the approval of building projects on such waterfront lots | SEP 12 |
2849-11 | Amending Article III, "Zoning” the standards for significant changes requiring conditional use approvals on buildings over 10,000 square feet, the standards for significant changes to conditional use approvals and the standards for building approvals in the Hannibal Square Neighborhood Commercial District | SEP 12 |
2848-11 | Amending Chapter 58, “Land Development Code”, Article III, “Zoning” and the Official Zoning Map to change the existing Zoning designation of Office (O-1) District to Commercial (C-3) District for the properties at 1289 And 1301 Gene Street | AUG 8 |
2847-11 | Amending Chapter 58, “Land Development Code”, Article I “Comprehensive Plan” Future Land Use Map to change the future land use designation of Office to Commercial for the properties at 1289 and 1301 Gene Street | AUG 8 |
2846-11 | Authorizing the borrowing of an amount not to exceed $1,750,000 for the purpose of financing the costs associated with improvements to the City’s air conditioning and lighting systems (Trane US, Inc.) | JUN 27 |
2845-11 | Amending Chapter 58, Land Development Code, Article III “Zoning” and the official zoning map changing the existing zoning of Parking Lot (PL) to Office (O-2) for the property at 1605 West Fairbanks Avenue | JUN 27 |
2844-11 | Amending Chapter 58, Land Development Code, Article III “Zoning”, and the official zoning map changing the existing zoning of Commercial (C-3A) to Commercial (C-2) for the property at 400 West New England Avenue | JUN 13 |
2843-11 | Consolidating City boards and commissions, defining the duties of boards and commissions and amending or repealing certain Ordinances and resolutions relating to subsidiary boards and commissions | JUN 27 |
2842-11 | Public Records Request Policy | MAY 23 |
2841-11 | Authorizing the refunding of the General Obligation Bonds, Series 2001 | MAY 9 |
2840-11 | Moratorium-Pain Management Clinics | APR 25 |
2839-11 | Repealing Ordinance 2828-10 relating to setting of salary for the Mayor and City Commissioners | APR 11 |
2838-11 | Repealing Ordinance 2835-11 that relate to the imposition of a fee for entrance into the dog park at Fleet Peeples Park and for the enforcement of such fee | APR 11 |
2837-11 | Creating New Sections in Chapter 78 of Municipal Code titled “Secondary Metals Recyclers” | APR 11 |
2836-11 | Authorizing to vacate and abandon the easement located at 1211 College Point | FEB 14 |
2835-11 | Adopt the establishment of a fee for entry for dogs entering off-leash portion of Fleet Peeples Park, enforcement, penalties and fines for violations and repeal existing ordinance establishing entry fees for vehicles entering Fleet Peeples Park | JAN 24 |
2834-11 | Amending ordinance 2798-09 to extend the deadline by one year (Dan Bellows – Home Acres – Ravaudage project ) | JAN 24 |
2010 Ordinances
Number | Subject | Adopted |
2833-10 | Lakefront Lots, Canalfront Lots, Streamfront Lots, Boathouses And Docks” renaming the section to include wetlands and adding subsection (f) to include Wetland Setback Provisions and Protections | DEC 13 |
2832-10 | Lakefront setback code amendment | NOV 22 |
2831-10 | Adopt regulations for signs in Office Districts on four lane roads and for signs along interstate 4 | NOV 22 |
2830-10 | Authorizing the refunding of all outstanding water and sewer revenue bonds, series 2004; and funding for the wastewater portion of the Fairbanks Avenue Sewer Extension and Beautification Project; providing for the issuance of not exceeding $17,000,000 revenue bonds | NOV 22 |
2829-10 | Charter referendum March 8, 2011 regarding terms of office for the Mayor and City Commission | NOV 22 |
2828-10 | Salary increases for City Commission | NOV 22 |
2827-10 | Red Light Cameras | NOV 8 |
2826-10 | Relating to the authority of the City Manager to sign certain contracts | OCT 25 |
2825-10 | Amending Chapter 58 “Land Development Code” Article I Comprehensive Plan within Future Land Use Element Densities, building heights and mix of uses within the Central Business District and Medium Density Residential Future Land Use categories; amend prohibitions on subdivisions | OCT 11 |
2824-10 | Water and sewer impact fees | OCT 11 |
2823-10 | Amending the Comprehensive Plan - Capital Improvements Element to adopt the FY2011-FY2015 Capital Improvements Plan | OCT 11 |
2822-10 | Adopting the FY 2011 budget | SEP 27 |
2821-10 | Adopting the FY 2011 millage rate | SEP 27 |
2820-10 | Implementing requirements for inactive construction sites, electronic Submission of building plans with related fees and membership Criteria for the Construction Board of Adjustment and Appeals | SEP 13 |
2819-10 | Amending Chapter 58 “Land Development Code”, Article VI, “Subdivision Regulations” to rename Article VI as the “Subdivision and Lot Consolidation Regulations”; adding new definitions to Section 58-371; amending Section 58-377 “Conformance to the Comprehensive Plan and add new section 58-392 “Lot Consolidations” | AUG 23 |
2818-10 | Requiring a local code of ethics | JUL 26 |
2817-10 | Repealing and re-adopting Policy 3-1.8.4 in the Future Land Use Element regarding conditions under which Future Land Use Map changes are permitted from Single Family or Low Density Residential to Medium Density or High Density Residential (Winter Park Towers) | JUN 28 |
2816-10 | Changing the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map from Low Density Residential to High Density Residential(Winter Park Towers) | JUN 28 |
2815-10 | Changing the zoning designation of Planned Unit Residential (PURD) District to Multi-Family (High Density R-4) (Winter Park Towers) | JUN 28 |
2814-10 | Amending Chapter 58, Land Development Code Article I, Comprehensive Plan to adopt amendments to the Capital Improvement Element of the Comprehensive Plan including a new updated five year plan | JUN 28 |
2812-10 | Changing the existing zoning designation of Commercial (C-2) District to Parks and Recreation (PR) district on the south half of the Winter Park Post Office property and to Public, Quasi-Public (PQP) District on the north half of the property at 300 N. New York Avenue | MAY 10 |
2811-10 | Changing the Future Land Use Designation of Central Business District to Open Space and Recreation on the south half of the Winter Park Post Office property and to Institutional on the north half of the Property at 300 N. New York Avenue | MAY 10 |
2810-10 | Amending “Land Development Code, Article III “Zoning” and the official zoning map to establish Office (O-2) zoning on annexed property at 639 Overspin Drive | MAY 10 |
2809-10 | Amending Chapter 58, “Land Development Code, Article I “Comprehensive Plan” Future Land Use Map to establish Office Future Land Use on annexed property at 639 Overspin Drive | MAY 10 |
2807-10 | Vacating that portion of the platted right-of-way of West Park Avenue between the West Meadow and Central Park | MAY 10 |
2806-10 | Changing the Zoning Designation of Public, Quasi-Public (PQP) District to Parks and Recreation (PR) District for the West Meadow property at 150 N. New York Avenue | MAY 10 |
2805-10 | Changing the Future Land Use Designation of Institutional to Open Space and Recreation for the West Meadow property at 150 N. New York Avenue | MAY 10 |
2804-10 | Changing the existing zoning designation of Commercial (C-3) to Commercial (C-2) at 535 West New England Avenue | MAY 10 |
2803-10 | Changing the existing zoning designation of Commercial (C-3) to Commercial (C-2) District at 463 West New England Avenue | MAY 10 |
2802-10 | Amending Chapter 58, “Land Development Code”, Article I “Comprehensive Plan” Future Land Use Map so as to change the future land use designation of Commercial to Central Business District on the property at 301 West New England Avenue | APR 26 |
2801-10 | Authorizing the refunding of the outstanding Park Avenue improvement revenue bonds, series 1998, of the City; providing for the issuance of not exceeding $3,000,000 Park Avenue refunding improvement revenue bonds, series 2010 | APR 26 |
2798-10 | Annexation of 639 Overspin Drive | MAY 10 |
2797-10 | Amending the process and procedures, standards and criteria for approval of changes to the zoning regulations text and official zoning map and for conditional uses | APR 12 |
2796-10 | Adopting new zoning regulations, changing the permitted, conditional and prohibited uses within the zoning districts, adopting new development Standards, densities and intensities of development, adopting changes necessary to implement the comprehensive plan, goals and objectives and policies document, dated February 23, 2009 | FEB 22 |
2795-10 | Amending Section 58-66 “R-1AA and R-1A Districts”, Section 58-70 “PURD District”, Section 58-82 “General Provisions”, and Section 58-92 “Definitions”, so as to enact new single family and accessory building regulations and definitions | FEB 22 |
2794-10 | Establishing a policy for the automatic advancement of board alternates To regular positions (BOA, CEB, P&Z and Tree Board) | JAN 25 |
2793-10 | Adopting new adoptions procedures for amendments to the Comprehensive plan, substituting for the current amendment Procedures (Supermajority vote) | JAN 25 |
2792-10 | Community Center bond $8,100,000 | FEB 8 |
2791-10 | Annexing 1807, 1810, 1850, 1911 and 1922 Stonehurst Road and the East Kings Way and Stonehurst Road rights-of-way | JAN 11 |
2009 Ordinances
Number | Subject | Adopted |
2790-09 | Charter revisions for March 2010 ballot | DEC 14 |
2789-09 | Amending Ordinance No. 2730-08 to extend the deadline established in Section 2 by one year | DEC 14 |
2788-09 | Revising Concurrency Management Regulations to implement school concurrency in conformance with the new Comprehensive Plan | NOV 23 |
2787-09 | Amending and restating the Winter Park Firefighters’ Pension Plan | NOV 23 |
2786-09 | Amending and restating the Winter Park Police Officers’ Pension Plan | NOV 23 |
2785-09 | Amending sections 1-11 and 2-108, to provide for super-priority of code enforcement liens | NOV 9 |
2783-09 | Adopting the FY 2010 budget | SEP 28 |
2782-09 | Adopting the FY 2010 millage rate | SEP 28 |
2781-09 | Requiring electronic filing of campaign finance reports | SEP 28 |
2780-09 | Providing the qualification deadline to file with the City Clerk for elections | SEP 28 |
2779-09 | Adopting the new flood insurance study and floor insurance rate map approved by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) | SEP 28 |
2778-09 | Abandoning an electric distribution easement located at 343 Cherokee Lane | SEP 14 |
2777-09 | Vacating and abandoning the easement at 1600 S. Orlando Avenue | SEP 14 |
2776-09 | Adopting new public notice and adoption procedures for Comprehensive Plan Amendments and adopting an updated Public Participation Plan | SEP 14 |
2775-09 | Adopting new public notice procedures for annexations to the City of Winter Park | AUG 10 |
2774-09 | Amending Section 114-67, Speed of Boats, to put into place an emergency no wake zone during periods of high water levels | JUL 27 |
2773-09 | Relating to the issuance of up to $60,000,000 Refunding Revenue Notes and/or bonds for the purpose of refunding the outstanding Electric Revenue Bonds, Series 2005A and 2005B | JUL 13 |
2772-09 | Relating to the issuance of up to $50,000,000 Water and Sewer Refunding Revenue Notes for the purpose of refunding the outstanding Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds, Series 2004 and the issuance of not exceeding $57,000,000 Water and Sewer Refunding Revenue Bonds | JUL 13 |
2771-09 | Increasing the business license taxes by 5% | JUN 22 |
2769-09 | Incorporating the Florida Building Code with certain administrative and technical amendments; decreasing the membership on the Construction Board and updating the Property and Building Maintenance Code | APR 27 |
2768-09 | Waste pro solid waste franchise | APR 27 |
2767-09 | Adopting new irrigation regulations | APR 27 |
2766-09 | Adopting new landscaping regulations | APR 27 |
2765-09 | Adopting new subsection (g) “Portable signs” | APR 13 |
2764-09 | Amending Section 58-83, Subsection (d) “Other structures on lakefront, canalfront or streamfront lots” and subsection (f) “Boathouse lots on canals” | MAR 9 |
2763-09 | Amending the hours of sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages for December 31st, New Years Eve – Hannibal Square | MAR 9 |
2762-09 | Adoption of the Comprehensive Plan | FEB 23 |
2761-09 | Specifying hours during which sales, consumption and service are prohibited specifying permits for vendors to sell alcohol past 11 p.m | JAN 26 |
2760-09 | Providing for civil penalty for illegal open house parties | JAN 26 |
2759-09 | Vacating and abandoning easement located at 1530 Woodland Avenue | JAN 26 |
2758-09 | Charter revisions for March 2009 ballot | JAN 12 |
2757-09 | Authorizing and regulating the use of red light cameras | JAN 12 |
2008 Ordinances
Number | Subject | Adopted |
2756-08 | Emergency Ordinance - Amending the hours of sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages only for December 31, New Year’s Eve | DEC 8 |
2755-08 | Shoreline protection | DEC 8 |
2753-08 | Annexing 1812, Stonehurst Road, 528 E. Lake Sue Avenue, and 441 East Kings Way and unincorporated Stonehurst Road right-of-way | NOV 10 |
2754-08 | Water and Sewer Refunding Revenue Bond, Series 2008, increasing the not to exceed amount to accommodate a debt service reserve and funding for the Automated Meter Reading program | OCT 14 |
2752-08 | Increasing the budgeted transfer from the Water and Sewer Fund to the General Fund from 13.3% to 15.0% of the average annual non-sewer revenues for the thirty six (36) month period ending March 31 of the year preceding the fiscal year being budgeted (Establishing a formula for the transfer of funds from the Water and Sewer Utility to the General Fund) | OCT 14 |
2751-08 | Relating to boating and water safety; amending the user fee schedule | OCT 14 |
2750-08 | Adopting budget for FY 2009 | SEP 22 |
2749-08 | Setting millage rate for FY 2009 | SEP 22 |
2747-08 | Authorizing the issuance of up to $60,000,000 Electric Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series 2008 for the purpose of refunding the currently outstanding Electric Revenue Bonds, Series 2005A and 2005B | SEP 8 |
2746-08 | Allowing a trip surcharge in taxicab rates | SEP 8 |
2745-08 | Adding a new section 98-71 entitled “Special Residential Parking Districts”; providing for issuance of parking permits | AUG 25 |
2744-08 | Changing the zoning from Low Density Residential (R-2) to Limited Commercial (C-3A) at 421 W. Morse Boulevard | AUG 11 |
2743-08 | Amending a City fire sprinkler amendment to the Florida Building Code | JUL 28 |
2741-08 | Rescinding the adoption of the comprehensive plan | MAY 12 |
2740-08 | Revising the list of conditional uses to add locations on the west side of Wymore Road, north of Lee Road as eligible locations for car sales conditional uses | MAY 12 |
2739-08 | Amending Firefighters’ Pension Plan | APR 28 |
2738-08 | Amending Police Officers’ Pension Plan | APR 28 |
2737-08 | Prohibiting stormwater retention systems with grades above two feet of adjoining properties | APR 28 |
2736-08 | Authorizing and providing for borrowing of not exceeding $135,000.00 to finance purchase of and installation of outdoor emergency warning system (Rollins College) | APR 28 |
2735-08 | Authorizing the conveyance of the City Water Plant property at 3200 University Boulevard (to Full Sail) | APR 14 |
2734-08 | Lighting Standards to the Environmental Protection Regulations | MAR 24 |
2733-08 | Allowing increase in taxicab rates | FEB 25 |
2731-08 | Proportionate fair-share option to mitigate deficit transportation facilities | FEB 11 |
2730-08 | 2730-08 De-annex properties at 983 and 1001 North Orlando Avenue and at 911,915 and 919 Benjamin Avenue | FEB 11 |
2732-08 | Amending Comprehensive Plan to add new water supply plan | JAN 28 |
2729-08 | To amend the zoning code to establish a new conditional use provision for non-profit educational facilities | JAN 14 |
2007 Ordinances
Number | Subject | Adopted |
2728-07 | Emergency ordinance extending hours of sale and consumption of Alcoholic beverages for December 31 New Years Eve only for Hannibal Square businesses | DEC 10 |
1983-07 | To finance all or part of the cost of the acquisition and construction of Orange Avenue streetscape improvements; providing for the payment of bonds from special assessments | DEC 10 |
2727-07 | Granting to Peoples Gas system, a non-exclusive gas franchise | NOV 26 |
2725-07 | Changing R-3 zoning to Central Business District (C-2) at 354 Hannibal Square East | NOV 26 |
2726-07 | Orange Avenue Improvement Revenue Bonds, Series 2007 | NOV 12 |
1982-07 | Supplementing Ordinance No. 2718-07 which authorized the acquisition and/or construction of additions, extensions and improvements to the electric system; providing for the issuance of not exceeding $29,000,000 electric refunding and improvement revenue bonds, series 2007 | OCT 22 |
2724-07 | Tree preservation | OCT 8 |
2723-07 | Adopting the FY annual budget | SEP 24 |
2722-07 | Adopting the millage rate | SEP 24 |
2721-07 | To allow one additional political or campaign sign to be placed on each street frontage of a property | SEP 24 |
2720-07 | Adoption of the Comprehensive Plan | AUG 27 |
2719-07 | Abandoning a portion of an underground utility easement | AUG 27 |
2718-07 | Authorizing the acquisition and/or construction of additions, extensions and improvements to the electric system; providing for issuance of not exceeding $29,000,000 electric revenue bonds, Series 2007 | AUG 27 |
0010-07 | Terminating and dissolving the Community Redevelopment Agency Advisory Board Programming, Development and Evaluation Committee (PDEC) | AUG 13 |
1981-07 | Entering into Urban and Community Forestry Grant Memo of Agreement with State of Florida, Department of Agriculture, Division of Forestry | AUG 13 |
2717-07 | Amending the election date for 2008 City General Election to January 29 2008; changing the primary election date for the 2008 City election; designating the dates for qualifying for the 2008 city general election; authorizing the canvassing of ballots for the 2008 City general election | JUL 9 |
1979-07 | Requesting support of the Florida League of Cities’ “City Spirit Award” Nomination for the Canton Park Community Land Trust Redevelopment project | JUL 9 |
2716-07 | Establishing Office (O-2) zoning on annexed property at 2605 Braden Drive and vacated portion of Braden Avenue right-of-way lying south | JUN 25 |
1980-07 | Confirming final assessments for Orange Avenue | JUN 25 |
2715-07 | Authorizing creation of a non-ad valorem fee for fire services | JUN 11 |
2714-07 | Amending Firefighters’ Pension Plan | JUN 11 |
2713-07 | Amending Police Officers’ Pension Plan | JUN 11 |
1978-07 | Repealing Resolution No. 1415, Resolution No. 1463, “Rules for the Conduct of Meetings” and Resolution No. 1927-05, Rules of decorum and restating in its entirety the rules for the Conduct of Meetings, the Preparation of the Agenda, Decorum, City Commission Meeting Order of Business, addressing the Commission, and the procedure for adopting Ordinances and resolutions | JUN 11 |
1977-07 | Relating to the Keep Winter Park Beautiful Board; amending Resolution No. 1555 to provide for terms of members and term limits | JUN 11 |
2712-07 | Increasing additional homestead exemption for persons 65 and older | MAY 29 |
2711-07 | Revising and modifying minimum standards for new building sites or buildable lots, increasing the street and lake frontage requirements and prohibiting the creation of new flag lots | MAY 29 |
1976-07 | Setting public hearing for JUN 25, 2007, for special assessment on portion of Orange Avenue from 17-92 to Holt Avenue | MAY 29 |
1975-07 | Declaring the City will fund certain capital improvements on a portion of Orange Avenue from 17-92 to Holt Avenue | MAY 29 |
1973-07 | Reimburse from proceeds of tax exempt debt, certain capital and preliminary expenditures | MAY 29 |
1972-07 | Designating 1360 Canterbury Road as a historic resource | MAY 29 |
2710-07 | Renaming the General Rees Extension to Timberlane Drive | MAY 14 |
1971-07 | Providing assignment to Clear Channel | MAY 14 |
2709-07 | Increasing the occupational license fees by five percent (5%) | APR 23 |
2708-07 | Consolidating the construction trades boards into one Construction Board and remove the existing advisory trades boards for plumbing, mechanical and electrical | APR 23 |
1970-07 | Designating 512 W. Canton Avenue as a historic resource | APR 23 |
2701-07 | Designating 2600 East Winter Park Road as a historic resource | MAR 26 |
1969-07 | Designating 1355 Devon Road as a historic resource | MAR 26 |
1968-07 | Designating 150 Cortland Avenue as a historic resource | MAR 26 |
1967-07 | Designating 150 Cortland Avenue as a historic resource | MAR 26 |
2707-07 | Amending the official zoning map to establish General Commercial (C-3) District zoning on properties on Fairbanks Avenue, Kentucky Avenue, Clay Street, Cherry Street, Harold Avenue, Jackson Avenue, Nicolet Avenue and Granada Drive; and to establish Single Family (R-1A) District zoning on properties on Kilshore Lane, pursuant to annexations of these properties effective on JUN 1, 2003 | MAR 12 |
2706-07 | Revise and modify the list of permitted and conditional uses and to amend and revise the site development standards; and to revise the expiration dates for conditional uses | MAR 12 |
2705-07 | Excluding only first floor open front porches and first floor rear or side screened or open porches from the gross floor area of a dwelling | MAR 12 |
2704-07 | Vacating and abandoning portion of Braden Avenue right-of-way lying south of 2605 Braden Drive | MAR 12 |
2703-07 | Providing for restrictions for parking vehicles for advertising or selling merchandise | MAR 12 |
2697-07 | Annexing 2605 Braden Drive | MAR 12 |
2702-07 | De-annexing property on Lee Road, Bennett Avenue, Lewis Drive, Benjamin Avenue, and Orlando Avenue | FEB 26 |
1966-07 | Relating to City’s interest in the location of a commuter rail stop | FEB 26 |
1965-07 | Notice of Intent – Portion of Orange Avenue from 17-92 to Holt | FEB 26 |
1964-07 | Notice of Intent – Holt Avenue | FEB 26 |
1963-07 | Notice of Intent – Alberta Drive, Jo-Al-Ca Avenue and Fletcher Avenue | FEB 26 |
2700-07 | Vacation of Via Palermo right-of-way | FEB 12 |
2699-07 | Limitations on size and height of residential garages and accessory buildings; limitations on chimneys, bay windows and second floor open areas and porches; and limitations on fences with heights of 4' | FEB 12 |
2698-07 | Amending Ordinance No. 2696-07 adopting ballot language for commuter rail referendum | FEB 12 |
2696-07 | Providing the ballot language for commuter rail referendum on March 13, 2007 | JAN 29 |
1962-07 | Urging support of 2007 legislation session issues | JAN 29 |
2694-07 | A citizen initiative ordinance of the citizens of Winter Park, Florida, regarding the appropriation or expenditure of city funds on a commuter rail station within the city of winter park; specifically requiring approval by the electors of the city of winter park before the city can authorize or allow to be authorized the appropriation or expenditure of any city funds for purposes of designing, permitting, constructing, renovating, maintaining, operating, or supporting any structure or building for use as a commuter rail station within the City of Winter Park | JAN 16 |
2693-07 | A citizen initiative ordinance of the citizens of Winter Park, Florida, requiring approval by the electors of the city of winter park before the city can authorize or allow to be authorized the use of any lands owned or controlled by the city in central park or the central business district of winter park for the construction, renovation, or operation of a commuter ra | JAN 16 |
1961-07 | In support of Nemours Orlando Children’s Hospital | JAN 16 |
2006 Ordinances
Number | Subject | Adopted |
2692-06 | Abandoning the west 10' of a 15' utility easement - Anchorage Estates | DEC 11 |
2691-06 | Planned Development (PD) Overlay repeal | DEC 11 |
2690-06 | Changing names of streets | OCT 23 |
2689-06 | Vacating and abandoning Florida Power Corporation easement within Knowlbourne Square Condominiums | OCT 9 |
2688-06 | Amending “Historic Preservation”, providing clarity, improve Functionality and allow city to meet standards of Florida Certified Local Government program | OCT 9 |
2687-06 | Annexing 2329 W. Fairbanks Avenue and 0 Allen Street and Establishing C-3 zoning to allow redevelopment of billboards | OCT 9 |
2686-06 | Adopting the annual budget for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2006 and ending September 30, 2007 | SEP 25 |
2685-06 | Adopting the millage rate | SEP 25 |
2684-06 | Amending section 114-6 to allow for vertical sheet pile on a case by case basis | SEP 25 |
2683-06 | Providing for the construction of underground stormwater Treatment systems on private facilities | SEP 11 |
2682-06 | Authorizing the issuance of not exceeding $2,320,000 Redevelopment Revenue Bonds, Series 2006 | AUG 28 |
2681-06 | Revising the definition of “real estate office” | AUG 14 |
2680-06 | Granting communication system easement to EMBARQ Florida for Aloma Water Plant | AUG 14 |
2679-06 | Granting communication system easement to EMBARQ Florida for South Lakemont Fire Station | AUG 14 |
2678-06 | Establishing a moratorium on the acceptance of applications and the issuance of approvals for rezonings or planned development approvals for major commercial, office and/or multi-family development projects within the Central Business District, the Community Redevelopment Area and the Orange Avenue Corridor | JUL 24 |
2677-06 | Annexing 3217 Corrine Drive and establishing Office (O-2) zoning | JUL 24 |
2676-06 | Changing the name of that portion of North Lakemont Avenue (Originally a part of Lakemont Avenue) which is located North of Pine Avenue, through the Northern Terminal point of this street, to Arbor Park Drive | JUL 10 |
2675-06 | Increasing the membership of the Public Art Advisory Board from nine (9) members to eleven (11) members | JUN 26 |
2674-06 | The City of Winter Park to provide for an eighth alternate member of the Code Enforcement Board | JUN 26 |
2673-06 | Providing for local implementation of the Water Conservation Rule 6/12/06 for landscape irrigation of the St. Johns River Water Management District | JUN 12 |
2671-06 | Allowing sidewalk cafés to operate with tables out by the curb as accepted and approved by staff and to require the posting of individual site plans and permits by each sidewalk café | MAY 8 |
2670-06 | Amending the Firefighters’ Pension Plan | MAY 8 |
2669-06 | Amending the Police Officers’ Pension Plan | MAY 8 |
2668-06 | Adopting revised legal advertisement and public notice requirements and to institute new review procedures and submittal requirements for amendments to the official zoning map, conditional uses, and planned development requests within the city | MAY 8 |
2667-06 | Revising definition of “gross floor area” to remove the differentiation the method of calculation of gross floor area for certain properties located within the Central Business District | MAY 8 |
2666-06 | Changing zoning from R-1A to O-2 at 2200, 2206, 2210, 2230, and 2240 Glenwood Drive | MAY 8 |
2665-06 | Prohibiting on and off leash animals in specific city parks and park areas | FEB 27 |
2664-06 | Adjusting the side setbacks in single family zoning districts when using the alternate “bonus” floor area ratio | FEB 27 |
2663-06 | Changing zoning designation of Single Family Residential (R-1A) to Office (O-2) - 2430 Glenwood Drive | FEB 27 |
2662-06 | Changing zoning designation of Single Family Residential (R-1A) to Low Density Residential (R-2) - 2261 Nairn Drive | FEB 27 |
2661-06 | Request of Sydgan Corporation for the redevelopment of the properties at 410 & 550 Denning Drive, 800/828/844 Swoope Avenue, 781/783/835 W. Canton Avenue and 441/437 N. Capen Avenue for a 105 unit two/three story apartment project with a three level parking garage | JAN 23 |
2660-06 | Request of the City of Winter Park to amend Chapter 58 “Land Development Code”, Article III, “Zoning” to add bicycle parking requirements for new multi-family, commercial and office developments | JAN 23 |
2659-06 | Request of the City of Winter Park to amend Chapter 58 “Land Development Code”, Article III, Zoning, to require that multi-family, commercial, office and mixed use developments constructed with underground electric power provide an on-site location for the pad mounted transformers and amending Article IV, “Sign Regulations” to prohibit balloons | JAN 23 |
2658-06 | Authorizing The Acquisition And/Or Construction Of Various Capital Improvements In The City; Providing For The Issuance Of Not Exceeding $5,200,000 Capital Improvement Notes, Series 2006 | JAN 9 |
2005 Ordinances
Number | Subject | Adopted |
2656-05 | Updating Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map and Zoning Map to establish Single Family Residential and Single Family Residential zoning on annexed properties on Turner Road, Blossom Lane, Ripping Lane and Lake Drive | NOV 28 |
2655-05 | Relocation of swale easement at Lot 3 of Windsong, Preserve Point | NOV 28 |
2653-05 | Incorporating Florida Building Code and amendments as the W.P. Building Code; consolidating construction trades boards into one construction board and updating property and building maintenance code to the 2003 edition | OCT 27 |
2652-05 | Vacating and abandoning easterly 20' of easement at 1700 Magnolia | OCT 10 |
2651-05 | Changing zoning from R-3 to PL and C-3 to C-2 at 541 Garfield Ave | OCT 10 |
2650-05 | Changing future land designation and zoning from R-1A to R-3 at 472 and 510 W. Swoope Avenue (for 15 condominiums) | OCT 10 |
2649-05 | Changing zoning of Single Family Residential (R-1A) to Office (O-2) at 214 Tyree Lane | OCT 10 |
2648-05 | Adopting the FY 2006 annual budget | SEP 26 |
2647-05 | Adopting the millage rate | SEP 26 |
2646-05 | Providing allowances for additional height on buildings for parapet roof heights and rooftop mechanical equipment in the multi-family residential, office and commercial zoning districts | SEP 9 |
2645-05 | Changing comprehensive plan and zoning (R-3 to O-2) for 991 Bennett Avenue | SEP 9 |
2644-05 | Annexing 992 Bennett Avenue | SEP 9 |
2643-05 | Authorizing the conveyance of City property at 650, 662, 701, 681, 671, 661, 651 Israel Simpson Court; 652 and 654 Canton Avenue; and 657 Symonds Avenue | AUG 8 |
2642-05 | Requiring allowances for visitor parking within residential projects of three units or more | AUG 8 |
2641-05 | Changing zoning designation of Low Density Residential to Parks and Recreation District | AUG 8 |
2640-05 | Changing land use designation of Single Family Residential to Open Space and Recreation | AUG 8 |
2639-05 | Vacating and abandoning the utility easement at 1770 Glencoe Road | AUG 8 |
2638-05 | Relating to residences of sexual offenders | JUL 25 |
2637-05 | Changing zoning from R-1A to R-2 at 230 Strathy Lane and 2231/2241/2251 Nairn Drive | JUL 11 |
2636-05 | Changing zoning from R-3 to O-2 at 2225 Glenwood Drive | JUL 11 |
2635-05 | Establishing O-2 zoning for 1345 Clay Street | JUL 11 |
2634-05 | Annexing 1345 Clay Street | JUL 11 |
2633-05 | Vacating and abandoning the north 9" of the Treat Way Alley (For landmark and redevelopment of 140 E. Morse Blvd.) | JUN 27 |
2632-05 | Providing procedures for the modification of plans submitted as part of rezoning, conditional use, or planned development applications and to provide application submittal requirements for plans to be reviewed at work sessions before the P&Z or Commission | JUN 13 |
2630-05 | Changing zoning designation of R-1A to R-2 at 2260 Hawick Lane | MAY 9 |
2629-05 | Establishing retail rate tariffs for the electric utility | MAY 9 |
2628-05 | Authorizing the conveyance of 472 W. Swoope Avenue | MAY 9 |
2625-05 | Annexation - 660 Jackson Avenue | MAY 9 |
2623-05 | Parking during construction of projects downtown | MAR 28 |
2622-05 | Amending Ordinance No. 2571-04, Section 98-81, “Schedule of Civil Penalties for Parking and Other Violations.” | MAR 28 |
2621-05 | Opting out of early voting | FEB 28 |
2620-05 | Amending Chapter 58, Article III, “Zoning” to provide setback regulations for certain recreational structures | FEB 14 |
2619-05 | Amending zoning definitions to provide for an alternate definition of floor area ratio within the New York Avenue corridor of the Central Business (C-2) District | FEB 14 |
2618-05 | Revising permit fees by incorporating fees for land development code plan review, inspection and administration within the existing schedule of fees | FEB 14 |
2617-05 | Establishing a formula for the transfer of funds from the Electric Utility to the General Fund | FEB 14 |
2616-05 | Extending the current lease of the Historical Association for 200 W. New England Avenue | FEB 14 |
2615-05 | Establishing a formula for the transfer of funds from the Water and Sewer Utility to the General Fund | JAN 24 |
2614-05 | Amending and restating the City of Winter Park Firefighters’ Pension Plan | JAN 10 |