The Engineering Division, lead by Don Marcotte, P.E., manages all work in the city’s right of way including road design, parking and site improvements for city structures, traffic analysis and control, signal analysis and design, coordination and implementation of streetlights, administration of the city’s streetlight, brick street and sidewalk policies, survey and mapping, inspection of construction activities, permitting of right-of-way uses, and utility connections.
This division also performs traffic studies, infrastructure improvement designs, drainage studies and surveying, using qualified in-house staff and equipment at significant cost savings to the city. Construction management for all city construction projects is provided by this division ensuring responsiveness to city residents’ concerns and needs.
For permit inspections please call the Automated Engineering Permit Inspection Line 407-599-3329.
Checklists & Guidelines
Non-standard Driveway
Right of Way
The right of way utilization permit application is now being handled through the City of Winter Park Permitting Self Service Portal. Before applying for a Right of Way Utilization Permit, please register your account on the portal. All applications must be submitted using the portal.
Please access the City of Winter Park Permitting Self Service for more information and for guides to using the portal.
You may also check the Right of Way FAQ.