The City Commission approved a funding mechanism for outside organizations which allocates 0.25% of the gross revenue from each of the three major funds: General, Electric and Water & Wastewater. The calculated amount is then deposited into the Designations Trust Fund and earmarked for organizational support.
General, Electric and Water & Wastewater funds
Funding Agreement
*The documents provided are from Albin Polasek Museum & Sculpture Gardens and may or may not be ADA compliant. If you need further assistance, please contact the organization.
Funding Agreement
*The documents provided are from Blue Bamboo Center for Performing Arts and may or may not be ADA compliant. If you need further assistance, please contact the organization.
Funding Agreement
*The documents provided are from Mead Botanical Garden and may or may not be ADA compliant. If you need further assistance, please contact the organization.
Funding Agreement
*The documents provided are from Albin Polasek Museum & Sculpture Gardens and may or may not be ADA compliant. If you need further assistance, please contact the organization.
Documents to come.
Funding Agreement
Midyear Report
Year-end Report
*The documents provided are from Winter Park Day Nursery and may or may not be ADA compliant. If you need further assistance, please contact the organization.
Funding Agreement
Quarterly Reports
- Quarter one [Oct-Dec 2023]
- Quarter two [Jan-Mar 2024]
- Quarter three [Apr-Jun 2024]
- Quarter four [Jul-Sep 2024]
*The documents provided are from Winter Park Historical Association and may or may not be ADA compliant. If you need further assistance, please contact the organization.
Documents to come.
Funding Agreement
Quarterly Reports
Fiscal Year 2025
- Quarter one [Oct-Dec 2024]
Fiscal Year 2024
- Quarter one [Oct-Dec 2023]
- Quarter two [Jan-Mar 2024]
- Quarter three [Apr-Jun 2024]
- Quarter four [Jul-Sep 2024]
*The documents provided are from Winter Park Library and may or may not be ADA compliant. If you need further assistance, please contact the organization.
Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) Support Grants
The CRA created the organizational support grant to financially assist non-profit organizations with programming and events that produce direct benefit to the district.
Documents to come.
Documents to come.
Documents to come.
Documents to come.
Documents to come.