Building & Permitting Services

Explore Our Resources

Self Service Portal

Online permit application, invoice payment, and inspection scheduling.

Forms & Resources

Guides on how to apply for permits and other helpful information.

Inspection Codes

Permits Search

Active permit search (2020-present)

Archived permit search (prior to 2020)

Safety & Code Compliance

Enforces all statutes and municipal ordinances that deal with code related violations.

Important Updates

Permit applications whose scope of work will include disturbing land and will require erosion control devices such as silt fence, inlet protection, turbidity barrier, etc. must have those protections in place and inspected prior to issuance of a building permit. To schedule an Erosion Control inspection call 407-599-3329. Schedule inspections 24 hours in advance.

See Chapter 58 – Land Development Code, Article V. – Environmental Protection Regulations, Divison 4. – Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control for more information.

The Building & Permitting Department will no longer provide Notice of Commencement recording services. Please be advised that after this date, individuals and businesses will need to make alternative arrangements for recording Notices of Commencement.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Beginning December 31, 2023, the 8th Edition of the Florida Building Codes will go into effect. These codes can be accessed via the ICC – Florida Building Codes website. Access administrative amendments to Chapter 1 of the 8th Edition (2023) of the Florida Building Code, BuildingOrdinance 3288-23.

Please note that all master plans approved under the 7th Edition (2020) Florida Building Codes will expire on December 30, 2023, and cannot be used for further permitting. New master plans in compliance with the 8th Edition (2023) Florida Building Codes will need to be submitted for review and approval before being used.

Helpful Resources

Contact Information

Building & Permitting Services

Fax Line

Contractor Registration &
Pre-review Meetings

Hours of Operation

Office: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Permitting: 8 a.m to 4 p.m.

Ashley Ong

Assistant Building Official

Ken Whittle

Chief Building Inspector

Theresa Dunkle

Code Analyst/Inspector

Renata Minoga

Building & Permitting Manager

Our Vision

Winter Park is the city of arts and culture, cherishing its traditional scale and charm while building a healthy and sustainable future for all generations.