Saturday Farmers’ Market
The Saturday Winter Park Farmers’ Market is a popular community gathering place the provides fresh produce, plants, baked goods and more. Fresh Access Bucks (FAB) is a nutrition incentive program that increases the purchasing power of SNAP recipients to buy fresh fruits and vegetables at farmers’ markets, produce stands, Community Supported Agriculture (CSAs), mobile markets, and community grocery outlets. The program doubles a person’s purchase when they use Fresh Access Bucks are used at the city’s Saturday Farmers’ Market (up to $40 per day).
Courtesy of Feeding Florida
Map Keys:
Pre-order with in-person pick up.
Traditional multi-stand farmers markets.
Farm stands or mobile farmers markets.
Retail outlets
Local Food Systems
Enhancing our local food systems requires us to think about the life cycle of the food we eat: food production, food processing, food distribution, food consumption and food disposal. Working with the Good Food Central (GFCF) local food policy council, we hope to build and advocate for a healthier, more sustainable food system.
Visit the Orange County UF-IFAS Extension Service for information on classes and workshops offered throughout the year on agriculture, family & consumer sciences, and gardening.
Courtesy of UF/IFAS Extension Orange County
Map Keys:
Resource Garden
Community Garden
Urban Farm
School Garden
Commercial Vegetable Farm
Backyard Chicken Pilot Program
Passed January 25, 2023, Ordinance 3259-23 establishes regulations for the issuing of backyard chicken permits and the keeping of backyard chickens.
Interested in applying for a Backyard Chicken Permit?
Step 1. Review the rules.
Step 2. Take a class.
Step 3. Apply for a Backyard Chicken Permit.
Step 4. Your application is reviewed.
Step 5. Pay $50 fee once permit is approved.
Step 6. Install your coop & schedule your final inspection.
Se the interactive map below for local ordinance information, places to buy chickens and chicken supplies to help with your backyard chicken needs.
Courtesy of UF/IFAS Extension Orange County
Map Keys:
Places to buy Chicken Supplies
Places to buy chickens/chicks/eggs
Places that allow Backyard Chickens
Florida-Friendly Landscaping™
Landscaping is not only important for the aesthetic of your property, but also for the natural environment around your home. By choosing Florida-Friendly Landscaping™, you can save money and resources by conserving water, fertilizers, and pesticides. Learn more about how you can make environmentally conscious decisions in your yard by accessing UF-IFAS Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ Program.
Community Gardens
A community garden is a collaborative green space in which the participants share in both the maintenance and the rewards. Check out the University of Florida’s IFAS Extension Starting a Community Guide for tips and resources on starting a community garden.
Mead Botanical Garden Community Garden. One of the first community gardens in Winter Park, this garden provides organic vegetables and fruit for members to keep and to share. If you have an interest in being a part of the Mead Community Garden, contact the Community Garden Board. The Mead Community Garden.
Winter Park Community Center Community Garden. For information on plot availability, contact the Winter Park Community Center.
Gardens at Depugh Nursing Center. For information on plot availability, contact Our Whole Community.