Traffic Enforcement Unit officers are particularly responsible for the traffic issues and concerns relating to the safe and the expeditious flow of traffic, roadway parking, school crossing safety, neighborhood selective traffic enforcement action and traffic crashes, the severity of which range from minor property damage to those involving a fatality. As such, they enforce the laws and regulations governing vehicular, bicycle and pedestrian movement within the City limits. Unit officers regularly assist citizens who present them with requests to deal with violations such as speeding or cut-through traffic in their respective neighborhoods.
The Traffic Enforcement Unit is a member of the Orange County Community Traffic Safety Team. Unit officers participate in multi-agency roadblocks throughout the year. These roadblocks especially target drivers who are under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs. They also make the driving public more aware of the dangers associated with operating a motor vehicle with unsafe equipment or without the use of a seat belt. Unit officers who are certified by the American Automobile Association (AAA) conduct weekly child vehicle safety seat program inspections by appointment at the police station in addition to presenting the program on-site at schools and day care centers. Unit officers educate students and the general motoring public on traffic safety issues by lectures and demonstrations, sometimes on a one-to-one basis. They also sit as members of traffic management and traffic safety groups with personnel of other law enforcement agencies.
Contact Information
Sergeant Luke Hofer
Special Operations Division
Traffic Enforcement Request
To request a selective enforcement action, please complete the following request form: